Native Copper; var. arborescent
- Class 3. Metals.
- Ord. 1. Homogeneous.
- Gen. 7. Copper.
- Spec. 1. Native Copper.
- Div. 1. Crystallized.
- Syn. Kirw. v. 2. 128. Hauy, v. 3. 521.
Arborescent copper differs from the dentritical, (which branches chiefly from its sides, and is mostly compressed,) in branching many ways without compression, and in general being more perfect in crystallization, as it is formed among loose fragments of quartz. The crystals are 12-sided, and sometimes large enough to be easily seen without a lens; at others many are accumulated and attached to each other in different directions, forming the appearance of a rough stem and leaves. They often widen and form macles. The colour and lustre vary from light and bright yellowish-red to bright brown-red. The lower figure I bought in Truro, and understood that it came from a mine in that vicinity. The upper figure is rather between dendritical and arborescent copper, but the definition is of no real consequence. The crystallizations are less perfect, and are made still less so by the green oxide covering the surface, and giving it a more vegetable-like appearance, except that its colour is too gay for any vegetable we know. It comes from Huel Jewel in Cornwall.