Ochre Enlarge
Feb. 1. 1808. Publishd by Ja.s Sowerby London.
British Mineralogy
Argilla ferrifera


  • Syn.
    • Colorific Earth. Kirw. 1. 194.
    • Yellow Earth. Ditto.
    • Gelberde. Werner.

I have here figured some rather light mixed tints of Ochres, to show their varieties. They will all serve as paints, and might suit instead of mixing various substances to obtain the particular colours, when a considerable quantity of one tint is wanting; and they are more likely to be durable.

The upper figure, or Saffron Ochre, as it is called in Wales, is of a greyish cast from the mixture of a minute portion of black Oxide of Iron with the yellow Oxide.

The middle specimen came also from North Wales, and is of a deeper and peculiar tint.—These I received from my kind friend the Rev. H. Davies.

The lower figure represents an Ochre much resembling the Roman Ochre of the shops, and is easily procured. It is very useful in the warmish distant yellow in landscapes, &c.; but not quite so proper in delicate portrait painting, unless we attend to the nature of the substance, as it rather becomes deeper than fades, but after a day or two is very permanent.

I have seen this Ochre in the Isle of Dogs, and observed that it might be saved or formed at any time in many situations where Iron is present, or has been used in water. When procuring the Copper in Wales from the vitriolated waters it might be of some account.—I have had specimens from these works by favour of Lady Wilson, but do not know that it has been considered as an article of commerce; it is rather brighter than common Roman Ochre, consequently more valuable.—I know not that we have a substitute for Naples Yellow in England: most other earthy colours we have at least examples of, if they do not plentifully abound.

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