Crystallized Quartz
- Div. 1. Crystallized.
Whenever we wish to contemplate the wonders of Nature, we shall find ample scope for our researches in every branch of the creation. But subjects which are chiefly confined to economical inquiries do not so readily arrest our attention, as those which occur less frequently; and it is a grateful task, when opportunity offers, to indulge in admiration of the beautiful varieties that excite observations which might otherwise be lost or neglected. I am glad not to let the present object escape, as it is not only very remarkable, but also very instructive, being no where mentioned before. The singular crystallization, so conspicuous on the edges or angles of the pyramids, has so extraordinary an appearance, that it could not fail of being noticed by the miner; and its uniformity, over a much larger group than is figured, is a sign of its being originally extended very orderly, however the position of the crystals would seem to interrupt it. The parts of the faces between the edges are covered with innumerable eighteen-sided crystals in various positions, among which is scattered a large proportion of light-brown Pearlspar, giving a pretty relief to the whiter edges, which thus have a more star-like appearance.
The very curious modification of this crystal of Quartz, lately brought from Cornwall, being quite new to me, I could not but desire to have it shown. It often happens that the crystals of Quartz give some item of this sort of modification.