Stellated or radiated Sulphate of Strontian
- Div. 2. Imitative.
This elegant variety of Sulphate of Strontian was found in sinking a foundation for buildings at Bristol. I do not know that such has been met with elsewhere. Besides these stellated ones, there were many very beautifully spiculated. The noble appearance of this, relieved so conspicuously, being formed over Metastatic Carbonate of Lime, enhances its curiosity. The stellæ or radii so much represent those in general executed by sculptors, that we might imagine they had had some such an original to imitate; and as, I believe, they borrow from antiquity, so I should imagine the antique models are borrowed from something in Nature, which indicates that the ancients were not only capable of taking a proper advantage of what was useful or instructive to them, but that they probably paid much attention to such subjects, and were not at a loss for originals to facilitate their study, and help their inventions.
This substance is described at tab. 117, and in form much resembles the Lepastrum or Stellated Sulphate of Barytes—see tab. 173.