Radiating or Stellated Quartz
- Div. 2. Imitative.
This has long been esteemed as curious, and is perhaps nearly as remarkable as the Corsican Granite*; which, although differing somewhat in the contents, nevertheless leads towards a similar construction, and maybe as difficult to account for. This specimen also much resembles the Carbonate of Lime, represented at tab. 144. It is yet the more extraordinary, as it is a large separated almost insulated stone lying on the surface of a field at Scorrier-House, belonging to our kind friend Mr. Williams, where it is only known, and to whose friendship I am indebted for the specimen showing the crimson, amethystine or pinkish Quartz. With the other specimen I was favoured by Phil. Rashleigh, esq.—It is somewhat imitative of some of the Hæmatitic Iron Ores, which have many centres, and radii of different lengths. See tab. 133.
- * Which will be figured ere long in Exotic Mineralogy.