British Mineralogy
- Class 2. Earths.
- Order 1. Homogeneous.
- Gen. 4. Silex.
- Spec. 19. Beryl.
- Syn.
- Smaragdus. Waller 1. 253.
- Edler, ou Gemeiner Berill. Emmerl. 1. 85.
- Aigue marine. Sciagr. Daubenton.
- Emeraude. Haüy, 2. 516.
- Beryl. Kirw. 2. 248.
From time to time there have been reports of Beryl being found in Scotland*, and it has as frequently been doubted, The lafe Hon. Charles Greville, in his collection now in the British Museum, had may years ago a specimen which he used to say was found in Scotland, which may apparently be identified from its similarity; as although the specimens from Siberia nearest resemble these, yet they have some peculiarities.
The grand specimen here figured shows a certain ruggedness in the crystal, that to an unaccustomed observer would scarcely seem to belong to any regular form; yet when observed, it is a very instructive and pleasing example of the strict laws of crystallization under so rude an aspect. It is columnar, with six sides in three opposite parallel pairs, which conform with the most regular crystals. There are also at the upper cud the facets belonging to the pyramid extended nearly to a point, and at the opposite end forming merely a bevilling. See the geometrical outline. The smaller specimen shows one of the circumstances that usually attend the Siberian Crystals: viz. that of the column in the centre being cased or surrounded and thickened in a manner by hexaëdsal tubes, giving if a strange appearance. The colour is not so bright as the foreign ones in general, but we may suppose that their being more plentiful in so large an extent of country as Siberia, the East and West Indies, when compared to our little island, they must have greater choice. Ours have, however, a rather peculiar pearly, milky, or glaucous colour in some parts that is worthy of notice.
We may be proud to boast of another new mineral added to indigenous mineralogy since this work has been publishing. The people who search the Cairn Gorum mountains, bring Beryls, Topazes, and the usual Crystals found in that district, to Aberdeen to sell to the lapidaries, and do not wish to lose the little supply this trade procures them, by betraying the places where they are found: and indeed it appears that it would be difficult, as they must depend much on chance, otherwise they would be more common.
These valuable specimens were lent me by Robert Ferguson and T. Allan, esqrs., whose cabinets they enrich. The weight of the upper specimen is 1lb. 11oz. 6dwt. that of the lower one, 3oz. 2dwt. Spec. Grav. 2.650 to 2.759.
Silica | 69.00 | 68.0 |
Alumine | 14.00 | 15.0 |
Glaucine | 14.00 | 14.0 |
Lime | 2.0 | |
Oxide of Iron | 11.00 | 1.0 |
98.00 | 100.0 |
- * See Jameson.