Zincum oxygenizatum, var. siliciferum
Silical Oxide of Zinc
- Class 3. Metals.
- Ord. 1. Direct Combinations.
- Gen. 4. Zinc.
- Spec. 1. Oxide.
- Section. 2. Silical.
- Div. 1. Crystallized.
This fine specimen of Oxide of Zinc is from Wanlockhead mine, by the same favour as the last; and having so unusual an appearance, I thought proper to show it as a rare example. It is in some parts very compact and white; in others, shining and waxy, while the fine warm brown tints enliven it, being mostly on the larger apparently accumulated drops of fanciful shapes. The concentrating laminæ and the radiated fibrous striæ help externally to prove it to be an Oxide of Zinc. The small plated piece is remarkably amorphous: it was sent me from Allen’s head mine in the county of Northumberland, by my friend Mr. Crawshay.