Exotic Mineralogy
Plumbum molybdatum
Molybdate of Lead
- Syn.
- Mine de plomb jaune. De Lisle 3. 387.
- Gelbes bleierz. Emmerl. 2. 403.
- Plomb en oxide mineralizé par l’acide molybdique. Daub. Tabl. 44.
- Yellow molybdenated lead ore. Kirw. 2. 213.
- Plomb molybdaté. Haüy 3. 498. Tabl. 83.
This tabular variety is probably from Carinthia. It is remarkable for the thinness of the crystals, and the variety of the modifications, and is likely to be confounded with the yellow Phosphates from Wanlock-head-minc, near Glasgow. See tab. 158. Most of the Molybdates of Lead are of the present dullish opaque yellow colour. The principal faces upon these crystals tend to form one of the most obtuse octaëdrons that occurs; the modifications are as in order ranged in the geometrical figures.
This specimen enriches the Cabinet of Dr. Babington; to whose liberality I am indebted for the drawing.