Plumbum arsenitum
Arsenite of Lead
- Syn.
- Plomb arsenié. Bourn. Catal. 349.
- Plomb arsenié aciculaire et filamenteux. Haüy, Traité 3. 465.
At present this is an extremely rare mineral, and almost unknown in England. The specimen copied is from Mr. Heuland’s splendid collection, it came from St. Prix in the deprartment of the Saône et Loire, where it has been recently discovered by the Citizen Champeaux. It is in matted fibres of a pale gold yellow colour, upon decomposing Galæna mixed with purple Fluor; it is soft, flexible, but not elastic, and dull on the surface. Its novelty makes it interesting, and were it not so different in appearance from other minerals, I should have suspected that it had passed unnoticed, and have hoped when once pointed out it would be discovered in various places, perhaps even in England.