Molybdenum oxygenatum
Oxide of Molybdenum
- Syn.
- Molybdänocher. Karsten, tabellen s. 70.
- Molybdène oxydé. Bournon, Catal. 424.
- Molybdena-Ochre. Jameson, ed. 2. Vol. III. p. 494.
This is a rare and little known mineral; it is recognized by its situation among sulphuret of Molybdenum, by the decomposition of which it seems to be produced: it varies in colour from pale yellow to a delicate green, and is generally in the form of a compressed powder. The specimen figured is from Bitsberg, in Sweden. Jameso relates that “it is found investing and intermixed with Molybdena, in the granite of Corybuy, at Loch Creran, and at Nummedalen, in Norway.”