Native Silver Enlarge
Exotic Mineralogy
Argentum nativum

Native Silver

  • Syn.
    • Argentum nativum. Brit. Min. tab. 327 and 16.
    • Argent natif. Haüy Tabl. 73.
    • Argent métallique natif. Bournon Catal. 202.

The native Silver figured in British Mineralogy is so ill defined that it seemed necessary to give another figure to shew how distinct it sometimes occurs; the specimens selected, and of which only parts are exhibited, are from Kongsberg, in Norway: a place celebrated formerly for the quantity of silver, and magnificence of the specimens produced by its mines, which were superior to those of Mexico or Peru, single masses of pure silver having been extracted from them, weighing more than 500lbs. weight. Better defined crystals of such a size are, perhaps, not to be met with; they are imbedded in transition Limestone.

I am indebted to Mr. Heuland for the use of them.

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