Pied-tailed Humming-Bird
The banks of the River Napo?
Besides the birds which I have described and figured in the present monograph, I have in my collection several which are either in a state of immaturity or in such a mutilated condition that I have not ventured to write or figure from such imperfect materials.
I cannot, however, refrain from giving a figure of one which, although I am certain it is immature, exhibits so many distinctive characters that I have been induced to make it the type of a new genus. The only specimen I have seen has been kindly placed at my disposal by M. Bourcier, who, I believe, received it from the banks of the Napo. It differs so widely from every other known Humming-Bird that I really am unable to determine to which genus it is most nearly allied, its lengthened tarsi and singularly coloured tail rendering it quite distinct from every other member of the entire family; most probably it will be allied to the Adelomyiæ.
I look impatiently for more specimens of this bird, and am especially desirous of seeing the adult.
Crown of the head brownish green; back of the neck, upper surface, two middle tail-feathers, and the flanks grass-green; sides of the face and ear-coverts greenish brown; centre of the throat, chest, middle of the abdomen, and under tail-coverts white; tail rounded; the four lateral feathers on each side white, with an oblique band of black or blackish purple occupying the centre of each, this band of black extending along the margin of the two outer feathers to the tip, so that the inner web only is white; not so on the next, which is terminated with a large spot or tip of white; upper mandible black; under mandible flesh-colour; feet yellow.
Total length 3
The figures are of the size of life. The plant is the Paphinia cristata.
Featuring all 422 illustrated species from John Gould’s A Monograph of the Trochilidæ, or Family of Humming-Birds arranged by color.