Generic characters.
Male.— Bill straight and longer than the head; wings very long and pointed; tail lengthened and deeply forked; tarsi short and partially clothed; feet small; hind toe short; nails moderately long and straight; crown decorated with several luminous colours.
Diphlogæna Iris (Gould)
Habitat: Andes of Bolivia, between Sorata and Illinani. The locality given me by M. Warszewicz is the province of Huancabamba au Cordilera Solaio, 9000 feet.
Plate 247 Diphogena Iris RainbowDiphlogæna Aurora (Gould)
Habitat: Peru; locality the same as D. Iris.
Plate 248 Diphlogæna Aurora Bolivian RainbowDr. Reichenbach’s specific name of Warszewiczi must, I believe, give place to that of Diphlogena Aurora, unless his name was proposed prior to the 12th of April, 1853, when I read my paper on this and other new species before the meeting of the Zoological Society of London, as reported in the ‘Atheneum’ of the 16th of the same month.
Featuring all 422 illustrated species from John Gould’s A Monograph of the Trochilidæ, or Family of Humming-Birds arranged by color.