Generic characters.
Male.—Bill longer than the head, and slightly arched; wings large; the shafts of the first and second primaries slightly dilated; tail moderately long and square, or very slightly rounded; tarsi partially clothed; feet rather large; hind toe shorter than the middle toe; claws short.
Phæochroa Cuvieri
Habitat: Venezuela, New Granada, Panama, and Veragua
Phæochroa Roberti
Habitat: Vera Paz Mountains in Guatemala
We next arrive at a genus characterized by a very sombre style of colouring. It will be seen that I have proposed the generic appellation of Aphantochroa for the Trochilus cirrhochloris of Vieillot. I have since added another species to this form under the name A. gularis. Up to the present moment (July 1861) no second specimen of this bird has been sent to Europe: when we receive others, it may be necessary to institute a still further subdivision; but at present I do not know of any genus in which the bird could be more correctly placed than the one to which I have assigned it.
Featuring all 422 illustrated species from John Gould’s A Monograph of the Trochilidæ, or Family of Humming-Birds arranged by color.