Native Sulphur, or Brimstone
- Class 1. Combustibles.
- Order 1. Homogeneous.
- Gen. 6. Sulphur.
- Spec. 1. Native.
- Gen. Char. Solid. Colour pale yellow. Burns with a blue flame and pungent suffocating odour.
- Spec. Char. Uncombined.
- Syn.
- Native Sulphur. Kirw. 2. 69.
- Soufre. Haüy, 3. 277.
- Natürlischer schwefel. Emmerl. 2. 89.
- Pyrites nativus. Linn. ed. 13. v. 3. 113.
I have specimens of native Sulphur from Amlwch, North Wales, by favour of the Rev, H. Davies. It is in an earthy-looking state, something like Flowers of Sulphur. I do not know that it has vet been found crystallized in Great Britain, but I however think there may still be a chance of it. The present is in a dull dusty state, but in some parts tolerably pure, and after being refined is cast into cones and sent up to London.
Upon a minute examination with a lens, it appears to be mixed with fine white Sand or granules of Quartz; see the lower figure.
It is rather curious to find that Sulphur with Iron, &c. is very common, and the odour of Sulphur is very strong in many places under ground fresh dug, particularly among decayed vegetables in summer; yet most authors speak of it as only found in the neighbournood of volcanoes. This is not the case in Wales.
It is so well known in housewifery that it hardly requires identifying: I, however, add a part of Kirwan’s description. Its colour is yellowish with some shade of green; it is found concrete or in loose powder; by friction emits a peculiar odour*, and becomes electric; heated to 170° Fahr. it generally evaporates; melts at 185°, and then appears red; it flames of a bright blue at 302° emitting a sharp or pungent odour when it absorbs the pure air of the atmosphere, causing a stifling sensation, and becomes acidified, forming Sulphuric Acid; in close vessels it sublimes without much alteration.
- * Pretty well known.