- Class 2. Earths.
- Order 1. Homogeneous.
- Gen. 4. Silex.
- Spec. Prehnite.
- Syn.
- Prehnite. Haüy, 3. 167. Kirw. 1. 274.
- Shorl en gerbes de Schreiber, Prehnit. Emmerl. 1. 192.
- Zeolithe verdatre. De Born, 1. 203.
- Chrysolite du Cap. De Lisle, 2. 275.
These specimens are from Salisbury Craigs, Edinburgh, and show the conical wheel-like formation nearly in perfection, but very small. I have, therefore, greatly magnified the right-hand outline, which shows a narrow primitive edge, bounded by two lines. A similar crystallization is found at Kings Park, Edinburgh.
The lower sort I have from Frisky Hall, near the banks of the Clyde, about three miles from Glasgow; and also from Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh. It shows a broad primitive face on the edge of the crystals, bounded by two acute ridsres, which are placed very confusedly on the specimens.
The Right Hon. Charles Greville has in his collection a specimen from Dauphine with crystals, not much unlike the magnified left-hand bottom figure, in size and colour.