Anthophyllite Enlarge
Exotic Mineralogy
Silex anthophyllithus


  • Syn.
    • Antophyllith. Schumacher.
    • Atnhophyllite. Haüy Tabl. 58. Bournon Catal. 96. Aikin, 223.

A mineral nearly related to Hyperstein, but softer and more distinctly laminated; it was first found at Kongsberg in Norway, aggregated with Hornblende: its structure is sometimes radiated, but the variety I have figured is in irregular crystals, interrupting one another, and united into a mass; among them is a small portion of green Hornblende; it is from Kupferberg, in Bavaria, and was sent me with a collection of foreign minerals, by my valuable correspondent, Professor Strömeyer.

Anthophyllite is very distinctly foliated in one direction, and the surface of the lamina displays a slightly metallic lustre; sections are easily obtained, perpendicular to the laminæ, producing the other sides of a rectangular prism, these are dull: indications of sections parallel to the diagonals of the prism are also visible, as fine shining lines, when the mineral is moved between the eye and a light. It is infusible, but becomes darker coloured when heated by the blowpipe; it is nearly as hard as glass; the spec. grav, is from 3.118 to 3.285.

John gives us the following analysis of the variety from Norway:

Silex 62.66
Argilla 13.33
Magnesia 4.0  
Lime 3.33
Oxide of Iron 12.    
Oxide of Manganese 3.25
Water 1.43
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