Exotic Mineralogy
- Syn.
- Antimoine sulfuré nickelifere. Haüy, Lucas ii. 471. Vanquelin Annales du Mus. xix. 52.
Nickel-Antimony was first sent to Haüy by Mr. Hovel, previous to the year 1812. It was examined by Ullman, whose experiments were confirmed by Klaproth, and it has ever since been considered as a distinct mineral, although Vanquelin suspects that it is a mixture of an ore of nickel, with sulphuret of Antimony. It approaches in colour nearly to sulphuret of Antimony, being a little redder, and has its foliated structure but disguised by an uneven granular texture. Vanquelin observes, that the most remarkable circumstance attending this ore, is the absence of Cobalt, which generally accompanies nickel. It is found near Freussbourg, in Nassau, in a gangue of spathose Iron, with Copper pyrites, Quartz, and Galæna. I received it from Prof. Strömeyer. The specific gravity, according to Vanquelin, is 5.65. Klaproth found in 8 parts, 4 of Antimony, 2 of Nickel, 1 of Iron, and 1 of Sulphur. Vanquelin says it contains half of Antimony; that the next greatest quantity is Nickel, then Arsenic, Sulphur, and Iron, in the order they are named in; and a very minute portion of Lead. John gives us the following analysis:
Antimony, with Arsenic | 61.68 |
Nickel | 23.33 |
Sulphur | 14.16 |
Silica, with Silver and Lead | 0.83 |
And a trace of Iron | |
100.00 |