Exotic Mineralogy
- Syn. Pimelit, Brochant and Werner. Chrysopras Erde, Klaproth. Nickel, silicate? Pimélite, Berzelius nouveau Système de Min. 202. Silex niccoliferus, Sowerby’s List of Min. 8.
Pimelite may be distinguished from other green minerals by its smooth greasy feel, its softness, it generally yeilds to the linger nail, and brilliant pure green colour. It occurs in the form of veins traversing Serpentine in Silesia, the finest varieties are found at Kosemütz, they are sometimes accompanied by a white earthy mineral of a less greasy feel, with a few minute glimmering scales dispersed through it, which has lately been considered as a distinct species and named Razumoffskin, after a Prince of that name, Mica and Tourmaline also accompany it.
The upper figure is taken from a specimen from Glassendorf, the Serpentine is partly decomposed. The middle figure is from Kosemlitz, on one side is a considerable portion of yellowish Mica, and on the top a little Razumoffskin, which indeed seems to be the same substance as the Pimelite only free from colouring matter and less compact, it is probably an hydrate of Silex. The lowest specimen consists almost wholly of Razumoffskin penetrated by Tourmaline and encrusted by Pimelite of a very pale colour, the situation of which seems to support the above suggestion; it is also from Kosemütz Klaproth has given us an analysis of Pimelite, which shews it cannot be a variety of Steatite, as some have thought; it is as follows,
Silex | 35 |
Alumine | 5,10 |
Lime | 0,40 |
Magnesia | 1,25 |
Water | 37,91 |
Oxide Nickel | 15,62 |
95,28 |