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Shown here are the 160 illustrations drawn by Elizabeth Twining from her two-volume catalog depicting the natural orders of plants. Read the original introduction and conclusion.

Every genus illustrated and described.
Illustrated and described    Described only

  1. Ranunculaceæ
    1. Ranunculaceæ Crowfoot
    1. Aconite
    2. Actæa
    3. Anemone
    4. Aquilegium
    5. Caltha
    6. Clematis
    7. Delphinium
    8. Ficaria
    9. Hellborus
    10. Hepatica
    11. Larkspur
    12. Nigella
    13. Peony
    14. Ranunculus
    15. Trollius
  2. Dilleniaceæ
    2. Dilleniaceæ Dillenia
    1. Candollea
    2. Curatella
    3. Delima
    4. Dillenia
    5. Hibbertia
    6. Tetracera
  3. Magnoliaceæ
    3. Magnoliaceæ Magnolia
    1. Aromodendron
    2. Drymis
    3. Illicium
    4. Liriodendron
    5. Magnolia
    6. Michelia
    7. Talauma
    8. Tasmannia
  4. Anonaceæ
    4. Anonaceæ Custard-Apple
    1. Anona
    2. Artabotrys
    3. Bocagea
    4. Duquetia
    5. Guatteria
    6. Polyalthia
    7. Uvaria
    8. Xylopia
  5. Menispermaceæ
    5. Menispermaceæ Moon-Seed
    1. Chonodendron
    2. Cissampelos
    3. Cocculus
    4. Coscinium
    5. Hollbollia
    6. Lardizabala
    7. Menispermum
    8. Stauntonia
  6. Berberidaceæ
    6. Berberidaceæ Berberry
    1. Berberis
    2. Caulophyllum
    3. Diphylleia
    4. Epimedium
    5. Leontice
  7. Fumariaceæ
    7. Fumariaceæ Fumitory
    1. Adlumia
    2. Corydalis
    3. Cysticapnos
    4. Dactylicapnos
    5. Dicentra
    6. Diclytra
    7. Dielytra
    8. Fumaria
    9. Sarcocapnos
  8. Nympheaceæ
    8. Nympheaceæ Water-Lily
    1. Euryale
    2. Nelumbium
    3. Nuphar
    4. Nymphæa
    5. Victoria
  9. Papaveraceæ
    9. Papaveraceæ Poppy
    1. Argemone
    2. Bocconia
    3. Chelidonium
    4. Glaucium
    5. Meconopsis
    6. Papaver
    7. Platystemon
    8. Sanguinaria
  10. Sarraceniaceæ
    10. Sarraceniaceæ Side-Saddle Flower
    1. Heliamphora
    2. Sarracenia
  11. Cruciaceæ
    11. Cruciaceæ Cruciform
    1. Alyssum
    2. Anastatica
    3. Brachycarpea
    4. Brassica
    5. Camelina
    6. Cardamine
    7. Cheiranthus
    8. Cochlearia
    9. Crambe
    10. Draba
    11. Erysinum
    12. Farsetia
    13. Hesperis
    14. Iberis
    15. Isatis
    16. Lepidium
    17. Lunaria
    18. Mathiola
    19. Moricandia
    20. Nasturtium
    21. Petrocallis
    22. Raphanus
    23. Schizopetalon
    24. Sinapsis
    25. Subularia
    26. Thlaspi
  12. Capparidaceæ
    12. Capparidaceæ Caper
    1. Capparis
    2. Cleome
    3. Colicodendron
    4. Cratæva
    5. Physostemon
    6. Polanisia
    7. Sodada
  13. Bixaceæ
    13. Bixaceæ Arnotto
    1. Aphlora
    2. Bixa
    3. Flacourtia
    4. Hydnocarpus
    5. Lætia
    6. Oncoba
  14. Passifloraceæ
    14. Passifloraceæ Passion-Flower
    1. Disemma
    2. Modecca
    3. Paropsia
    4. Passiflora
    5. Smeathmannia
    6. Tacsonia
  15. Violaceæ
    15. Violaceæ Violet
    1. Alsodea
    2. Corynostylus
    3. Erpetion
    4. Hymenanthera
    5. Ionidium
    6. Pentaloba
    7. Sumatrana
    8. Viola
  16. Polygalaceæ
    16. Polygalaceæ Milkwort
    1. Comesperma
    2. Monnina
    3. Mundia
    4. Muraltia
    5. Polygala
    6. Salomonia
    7. Securidaca
    8. Soulamea
    9. Trigonia
    10. Xanthophyllum
  17. Resedaceæ
    17. Resedaceæ Mignonette
    1. Caylusea
    2. Ochradenus
    3. Reseda
  18. Droseraceæ
    18. Droseraceæ Sun-Dew
    1. Aldrovanda
    2. Byblis
    3. Dionea
    4. Drosera
    5. Drosophyllum
  19. Oxalidaceæ
    19. Oxalidaceæ Wood-Sorrel
    1. Averrhoa
    2. Biophytum
    3. Oxalis
  20. Pittosporaceæ
    20. Pittosporaceæ Pittosporum
    1. Billardiera
    2. Bursaria
    3. Cheiranthera
    4. Citriobatus
    5. Pittosporum
  21. Linaceæ
    21. Linaceæ Flax
    1. Linum
    2. Radiola
  22. Cistaceæ
    22. Cistaceæ Rock-Rose
    1. Cistus
    2. Helianthemum
    3. Hudsonia
    4. Lechea
  23. Malvaceæ
    23. Malvaceæ Mallow
    1. Abelmoschus
    2. Abutilon
    3. Achania
    4. Althea
    5. Gossypium
    6. Hibiscus
    7. Malope
    8. Malva
    9. Pavonia
    10. Sida
    11. Urena
  24. Tropæolaceæ
    24. Tropæolaceæ Indian Cress, or Nasturtium
    1. Chymocarpus
    2. Limnanthes
    3. Magallana
    4. Tropæolum
  25. Byttneriaceæ
    25. Byttneriaceæ Byttneria
    1. Abroma
    2. Astrapæa
    3. Bubroma
    4. Byttneria
    5. Dombeya
    6. Eriolæna
    7. Hermannia
    8. Kydia
    9. Lasiopetalum
    10. Melhania
    11. Phlippodendron
    12. Theobroma
    13. Waltheria
  26. Bombaceæ
    26. Bombaceæ Silk-Cotton Tree
    1. Adansonia
    2. Bombax
    3. Cheirostemon
    4. Durio
    5. Helicteres
    6. Herculia
  27. Tiliaceæ
    27. Tiliaceæ Linden or Lime-Tree
    1. Aristotelia
    2. Berrya
    3. Corchorus
    4. Elæocarpus
    5. Grewia
    6. Sparmannia
    7. Tilia
  28. Sapindaceæ
    28. Sapindaceæ Soap-Tree
    1. Cardiospermum
    2. Dodonea
    3. Melicocca
    4. Nephelium
    5. Ophiocaryon
    6. Pappea
    7. Paullinia
    8. Sapindus
    9. Serjania
    10. Urvillea
  29. Hippocastanaceæ
    29. Hippocastanaceæ Horse-Chesnut
    1. Æsculus
    2. Ellisia
    3. Pavia
  30. Aceraceæ
    30. Aceraceæ Maple
    1. Acer
    2. Dobinea
    3. Negundo
  31. Malpighiaceæ
    31. Malpighiaceæ Barbadoes Cherry
    1. Banisteria
    2. Bunchosia
    3. Byrsonima
    4. Diplopteris
    5. Heteropterys
    6. Hiptage
    7. Hirea
    8. Malpighia
    9. Ryssopteris
    10. Stigmaphyllum
  32. Hippocrateaceæ
    32. Hippocrateaceæ Hippocratea
    1. Hippocratea
    2. Johnia
    3. Salacia
    4. Tontelea
  33. Hypericaceæ
    33. Hypericaceæ St. John’s Wort
    1. Androsæmum
    2. Ascyrum
    3. Cratoxylon
    4. Elodea
    5. Hypericum
    6. Parnassia
    7. Vismia
  34. Clusiaceæ
    34. Clusiaceæ Gamboge
    1. Calophyllum
    2. Clusia
    3. Garcinia
    4. Mammea
    5. Mesua
    6. Moronobea
    7. Pentadesma
    8. Verticillaria
    9. Xanthochymus
  35. Dipterocarpaceæ
    35. Dipterocarpaceæ Dipterocarpus
    1. Dipterocarpus
    2. Dryobalanops
    3. Hopea
    4. Shorea
    5. Vateria
  36. Marcgraviaceæ
    36. Marcgraviaceæ Marcgravia
    1. Marcgraavia
    2. Norantea
    3. Ruyschia
  37. Vitaceæ
    37. Vitaceæ Vine
    1. Ampelopsis
    2. Cissus
    3. Leea
    4. Pterisanthes
    5. Vitis
  38. Geraniaceæ
    38. Geraniaceæ Geranium
    1. Erodium
    2. Geranium
    3. Pelargonium
    4. Sarcocaulon
  39. Cedrelaceæ
    39. Cedrelaceæ Mahogany
    1. Cedrela
    2. Chickrassia
    3. Chloroxylon
    4. Flindersia
    5. Khaya
    6. Oxleya
    7. Soymida
    8. Swietenia
  40. Meliaceæ
    40. Meliaceæ Bead-Tree
    1. Carapa
    2. Dysoxylon
    3. Ekebergia
    4. Guarea
    5. Hartighsea
    6. Lasium
    7. Melia
    8. Milnea
    9. Trichilia
    10. Turræa
  41. Aurantiaceæ
    41. Aurantiaceæ Orange
    1. Ægle
    2. Citrus
    3. Cookia
    4. Feronia
    5. Glycosmis
    6. Limonia
    7. Triphasia
  42. Camelliaceæ
    42. Camelliaceæ Camellia
    1. Anneslea
    2. Camellia
    3. Caraipa
    4. Eurya
    5. Gordonia
    6. Kielmeyera
    7. Stuartia
    8. Ternstrœmia
    9. Thea
  43. Olacaceæ
    43. Olacaceæ Olax
    1. Apodytes
    2. Heisteria
    3. Iacina
    4. Olax
    5. Ximenia
  44. Rutaceæ
    44. Rutaceæ Rue
    1. Adenandra
    2. Borronia
    3. Correa
    4. Cusparia
    5. Dictamnus
    6. Erythrochiton
    7. Esenbeckia
    8. Galipea
    9. Haplophyllum
    10. Hortia
    11. Ruta
    12. Ticorea
  45. Simarubaceæ
    45. Simarubaceæ Quassia
    1. Brucea
    2. Nima
    3. Picræna
    4. Samadera
    5. Simaba
    6. Simaruba
  46. Samydaceæ
    46. Samydaceæ Samyda
    1. Casearia
    2. Pitumba
    3. Samyda
  47. Rhamnaceæ
    47. Rhamnaceæ Buckthorn
    1. Berchæmia
    2. Ceanothus
    3. Cryptandra
    4. Discaria
    5. Hovenia
    6. Paliurus
    7. Phylica
    8. Pomaderris
    9. Rhamnus
    10. Sageretia
    11. Zizyphus
  48. Terebinthaceæ
    48. Terebinthaceæ Turpentine-Tree
    1. Anacardium
    2. Duvaua
    3. Mangifera
    4. Melanorrhœa
    5. Pistacia
    6. Rhus
    7. Schinus
    8. Semecarpus
    9. Spondias
  49. Leguminosæ
    49. Leguminosæ Pea
    1. Acacia
    2. Alexandra
    3. Astralagus
    4. Cassia
    5. Ceratonia
    6. Clitoria
    7. Crotalaria
    8. Dipterix
    9. Glycyrrhiza
    10. Hymenea
    11. Indigo
    12. Medicago
    13. Mimosa
    14. Pisum
    15. Robinia
    16. Spartium
    17. Tetragonolobus
    18. Trifolium
    19. Wistaria
  50. Juglandaceæ
    50. Juglandaceæ Walnut
    1. Carya
    2. Engelhardtia
    3. Juglans
    4. Pterocarya
  51. Rosaceæ
    51. Rosaceæ Rose
    1. Agrimonia
    2. Brayera
    3. Dryas
    4. Fragaria
    5. Gillenia
    6. Poterium
    7. Quillaia
    8. Rosa
    9. Rubus
    10. Sanguisorba
    11. Sieversia
    12. Spirea
    13. Tormentilla
  52. Pomaceæ
    52. Pomaceæ Apple
    1. Cotoneaster
    2. Cratægus
    3. Cydonia
    4. Eriobotrya
    5. Mespilus
    6. Photinia
    7. Pyrus
  53. Amygdalaceæ
    53. Amygdalaceæ Almond
    1. Amygdalus
    2. Cerasus
    3. Chrysobalanus
    4. Parinarium
    5. Persica
    6. Prunus
  54. Lythraceæ
    54. Lythraceæ Loosestrife
    1. Ameletia
    2. Ammannia
    3. Cuphea
    4. Grislea
    5. Heimia
    6. Lagerstrœmia
    7. Lawsonia
    8. Lythrum
    9. Pemphis
    10. Peplis
    11. Physocalymma
    12. Rotala
  55. Tamaricaceæ
    55. Tamaricaceæ Tamarisk
    1. Myricaria
    2. Tamarix
  56. Melastomaceæ
    56. Melastomaceæ Melastoma
    1. Astronia
    2. Blakea
    3. Cremanium
    4. Lasiandra
    5. Medinilla
    6. Melastoma
    7. Memecylon
    8. Miconia
    9. Myrrhinium
    10. Osbeckia
    11. Pleroma
    12. Sonerila
    13. Stenodon
    14. Tococo
    15. Tristemma
  57. Myrtaceæ
    57. Myrtaceæ Myrtle
    1. Careya
    2. Caryophyllus
    3. Eucalyptus
    4. Eugenia
    5. Leptospermum
    6. Melaleuca
    7. Metrosideros
    8. Myrtus
    9. Psidium
    10. Punica
    11. Sonneratia
  58. Lecythidaceæ
    58. Lecythidaceæ Lecythis
    1. Bertholletia
    2. Couratari
    3. Couropita
    4. Lecythis
  59. Combretaceæ
    59. Combretaceæ Combretum
    1. Alangium
    2. Bucida
    3. Chuncoa
    4. Combretum
    5. Conocarpus
    6. Laguncularia
    7. Nyssa
    8. Pentaptera
    9. Terminalia
  60. Loasaceæ
    60. Loasaceæ Loasa
    1. Bartonia
    2. Klaprothia
    3. Loasa
    4. Mentzelia
    5. Microsperma
  61. Cucurbitaceæ
    61. Cucurbitaceæ Gourd
    1. Bryonia
    2. Coccinia
    3. Cucumis
    4. Cucurbita
    5. Feuillæa
    6. Momordica
    7. Sicyos
    8. Telfairia
    9. Tricosanthes
    10. Zanonia
  62. Onagraceæ
    62. Onagraceæ Evening Primrose
    1. Circæa
    2. Clarkia
    3. Epilobium
    4. Fuchsia
    5. Isnardia
    6. Jussiæa
    7. Lopezia
    8. Œnothera
  63. Mesembryaceæ
    63. Mesembryaceæ Fig-Marigold
    1. Aizoon
    2. Lewisia
    3. Mesembryanthemum
    4. Sesuvium
    5. Tetragonia
  64. Portulaceæ
    64. Portulaceæ Purslane
    1. Calandrinia
    2. Claytonia
    3. Montia
    4. Portulacca
  65. Cactaceæ
    65. Cactaceæ Cactus
    1. Cactus
    2. Cereus
    3. Echinocactus
    4. Epiphyllum
    5. Mammillaria
    6. Opuntia
    7. Pereskia
    8. Pilocereus
    9. Rhipsalis
  66. Grossulariaceæ
    66. Grossulariaceæ Currant and Gooseberry
    1. Polyosma
    2. Ribes
  67. Crassulaceæ
    67. Crassulaceæ Houseleek
    1. Bryophyllum
    2. Brysophila
    3. Crassula
    4. Kalanchoe
    5. Rhodiola
    6. Sedum
    7. Sempervivum
  68. Saxifragaceæ
    68. Saxifragaceæ Saxifrage
    1. Chrysoplenium
    2. Heuchera
    3. Saxifraga
    4. Tiarella
  69. Caryophyllaceæ
    69. Caryophyllaceæ Clove-Pink
    1. Agrostemma
    2. Arenaria
    3. Cerastium
    4. Dianthus
    5. Gysophila
    6. Lychnis
    7. Mollugo
    8. Saponaria
    9. Silene
    10. Spergula
    11. Stellaria
  70. Umbellaceæ
    70. Umbellaceæ Umbel-Flowered
    1. Anethum
    2. Apium
    3. Astrantia
    4. Bolax
    5. Bupleurum
    6. Carum
    7. Cicuta
    8. Conium
    9. Conohoria
    10. Coriandrum
    11. Crithmum
    12. Daucus
    13. Eryngium
    14. Ferula
    15. Galbanum
    16. Heracleum
    17. Hydrocotyle
    18. Leucolæna
    19. Lichtensteinia
    20. Œnanthe
    21. Opopanax
    22. Pastinaca
    23. Phellandrium
    24. Pimpinella
    25. Prangos
    26. Scandix
  71. Araliaceæ
    71. Araliaceæ Aralia
    1. Adoxa
    2. Aralia
    3. Hedera
    4. Panax
  72. Caprifoliaceæ
    72. Caprifoliaceæ Honeysuckle
    1. Abelia
    2. Benthamia
    3. Caprifoium
    4. Cornus
    5. Leycesteria
    6. Linnæa
    7. Lonicera
    8. Sambucus
    9. Symphoria
    10. Viburnum
    11. Weigela
  73. Loranthaceæ
    73. Loranthaceæ Mistletoe
    1. Loranthus
    2. Misodendron
    3. Nuytsia
    4. Viscum
  74. Rubiaceæ
    74. Rubiaceæ Madder
    1. Asperula
    2. Calycophyllum
    3. Cephælis
    4. Cinchona
    5. Coccocypselum
    6. Coffæa
    7. Coprosma
    8. Evosmia
    9. Galium
    10. Genipa
    11. Hymenodictyon
    12. Hymenopogon
    13. Ixora
    14. Kohautia
    15. Morinda
    16. Mussænda
    17. Nerteria
    18. Oldenlandia
    19. Pinckneya
    20. Rondeletia
    21. Rubia
    22. Sarcocephalus
    23. Vangueria
  75. Valerianaceæ
    75. Valerianaceæ Valerian
    1. Astrephia
    2. Centranthus
    3. Fedia
    4. Nardostachys
    5. Patrinia
    6. Triplostegia
    7. Valeriana
  76. Compositaceæ
    76. Compositaceæ Composite
    1. Agathea
    2. Anacyclus
    3. Anthemis
    4. Arctium
    5. Artemisia
    6. Bellis
    7. Calliopsis
    8. Carlina
    9. Carthamus
    10. Catananche
    11. Centaurea
    12. Ceradia
    13. Cichorium
    14. Cosmea
    15. Cynara
    16. Dahlia
    17. Echinops
    18. Elichrysum
    19. Eupatorium
    20. Gnaphalium
    21. Guizotia
    22. Helianthus
    23. Helminthia
    24. Lactuca
    25. Madia
    26. Mikania
    27. Onopordum
    28. Santolina
    29. Scorzonera
    30. Taraxacum
    31. Tussilago
    32. Zinnia
  77. Dipsaceæ
    77. Dipsaceæ Teasel
    1. Cephalaria
    2. Dipsacus
    3. Knautia
    4. Morina
    5. Scabiosa
  78. Stylidiaceæ
    78. Stylidiaceæ Style-Wort
    1. Forstera
    2. Levenhookia
    3. Stylidium
  79. Goodeniaceæ
    79. Goodeniaceæ Goodenia
    1. Brunonia
    2. Dampiera
    3. Euthales
    4. Goodenia
    5. Lechenaultia
    6. Scævola
    7. Selliera
    8. Velleia
  80. Campanulaceæ
    80. Campanulaceæ Bell-Flower
    1. Campanula
    2. Canarina
    3. Codonopsis
    4. Cyphia
    5. Glossocomia
    6. Jasione
    7. Michauxia
    8. Phyteuma
    9. Roella
    10. Specularia
    11. Wahlenbergia
  81. Lobeliaceæ
    81. Lobeliaceæ Lobelia
    1. Centropogon
    2. Clintonia
    3. Isotoma
    4. Lobelia
    5. Siphocampylos
    6. Tupa
  82. Gesneraceæ
    82. Gesneraceæ Gesnera
    1. Achimenes
    2. Æschynanthus
    3. Alloplectus
    4. Calosacme
    5. Chirita
    6. Columnea
    7. Cyrilla
    8. Cyrtandra
    9. Didymocarpus
    10. Fieldia
    11. Gesnera
    12. Gloxinia
    13. Haberlea
    14. Klugia
    15. Ramondia
    16. Sarmienta
    17. Streptocarpus
  83. Vacciniaceæ
    83. Vacciniaceæ Cranberry
    1. Gaylussacia
    2. Oxycoccus
    3. Thibaudia
    4. Vaccinium
  84. Ericaceæ
    84. Ericaceæ Heath
    1. Andromeda
    2. Arbutus
    3. Befaria
    4. Calluna
    5. Erica
    6. Gualteria
    7. Kalmia
    8. Ledum
    9. Rhododendron
  85. Belvisiaceæ
    85. Belvisiaceæ Napoleona
    1. Asteranthus
    2. Napoleona
  86. Myrsinaceæ
    86. Myrsinaceæ Myrsine
    1. Ægiceras
    2. Ardisia
    3. Clavija
    4. Embelia
    5. Jacquinia
    6. Mæsa
    7. Myrsine
    8. Reptonia
    9. Suttonia
    10. Theophrosta
  87. Sapotaceæ
    87. Sapotaceæ Sappodilla
    1. Achras
    2. Bassia
    3. Bumelia
    4. Chrysophyllum
    5. Imbricaria
    6. Isonandra
    7. Lucuma
    8. Mimusops
  88. Ebenaceæ
    88. Ebenaceæ Ebony
    1. Diospyros
    2. Maba
    3. Royena
  89. Oleaceæ
    89. Oleaceæ Olive
    1. Fraxinus
    2. Ligustrum
    3. Olea
    4. Phyllirea
    5. Syringa
    6. Tessarandra
  90. Jasmineaceæ
    90. Jasmineaceæ Jasmine
    1. Bolivaria
    2. Jasminum
    3. Nyctanthes
  91. Strychnaceæ
    91. Strychnaceæ Strychnos
    1. Fagræa
    2. Ignatia
    3. Logania
    4. Potalia
    5. Spigelia
    6. Strychnos
  92. Apocynaceæ
    92. Apocynaceæ Dog’s-Bane
    1. Allamanda
    2. Alyxia
    3. Apocynum
    4. Asclepias
    5. Aspidosperma
    6. Cameraria
    7. Carissa
    8. Carpodinus
    9. Cerbera
    10. Collophora
    11. Cynanchum
    12. Echites
    13. Glossonema
    14. Gonolobus
    15. Gymnema
    16. Hasseltia
    17. Hoya
    18. Nerium
    19. Plumiera
    20. Sarcostemma
    21. Stapelia
    22. Tabernæmontana
    23. Tanghinia
    24. Urceola
    25. Vahea
    26. Vallesia
    27. Vinca
    28. Willughbeia
  93. Rhizophoraceæ
    93. Rhizophoraceæ Mangrove
    1. Bruguiera
    2. Carallia
    3. Kandelia
    4. Rhizophora
  94. Gentianaceæ
    94. Gentianaceæ Gentian
    1. Agathotes
    2. Chironia
    3. Chlora
    4. Erythræa
    5. Exacum
    6. Gentiana
    7. Leianthes
    8. Lisianthus
    9. Menyanthes
    10. Villarsia
    11. Voyra
  95. Bignoniaceæ
    95. Bignoniaceæ Trumpet-Flower
    1. Amphicome
    2. Bignonia
    3. Catalpa
    4. Eccremocarpus
    5. Fieldia
    6. Incarvillea
    7. Jacaranda
    8. Schrebera
    9. Tecoma
    10. Trigonocarpus
    11. Wightia
  96. Polemoniaceæ
    96. Polemoniaceæ Polemonium
    1. Cobæa
    2. Collomia
    3. Cyananthus
    4. Gilia
    5. Leptosiphon
    6. Phlox
    7. Polemonium
  97. Convolvulaceæ
    97. Convolvulaceæ Bind-Weed
    1. Calystegia
    2. Convolvulus
    3. Cuscuta
    4. Ipomea
    5. Pharbitis
    6. Piptostegia
  98. Boraginaceæ
    98. Boraginaceæ Borage
    1. Anchusa
    2. Borago
    3. Cerinthe
    4. Cynoglossum
    5. Echium
    6. Ehretia
    7. Heliotropium
    8. Lithospermum
    9. Myosotis
    10. Onosmodium
    11. Pulmonaria
    12. Symphytum
    13. Tournefortia
    14. Trichodesma
  99. Hydrophyllaceæ
    99. Hydrophyllaceæ Water-Leaf
    1. Codon
    2. Eutoca
    3. Hydrolea
    4. Hydrophyllum
    5. Nama
    6. Nemophila
    7. Romanzovia
    8. Whitlavia
  100. Solanaceæ
    100. Solanaceæ Potato
    1. Acocanthera
    2. Atropa
    3. Brugmansia
    4. Capsicum
    5. Datura
    6. Hyoscyamus
    7. Juanulloa
    8. Nicotiana
    9. Nierembergia
    10. Petunia
    11. Physalis
    12. Salpiglossis
    13. Solanum
    14. Verbascum
  101. Scrophulariaceæ
    101. Scrophulariaceæ Fig-Wort
    1. Antirrhinum
    2. Bramia
    3. Browallia
    4. Buchnera
    5. Buddlæa
    6. Calceolaria
    7. Chelone
    8. Digitalis
    9. Euphrasia
    10. Herpestes
    11. Limosella
    12. Linaria
    13. Lophospermum
    14. Manulea
    15. Maurandya
    16. Melampyrum
    17. Mimulus
    18. Paulownia
    19. Picrorhiza
    20. Rhinanthus
    21. Schizanthus
    22. Scoparia
    23. Scrophularia
    24. Sibthorpia
    25. Striga
    26. Teedia
    27. Torenia
    28. Vandelia
    29. Veronica
  102. Lamiaceæ
    102. Lamiaceæ Dead-Nettle
    1. Betonica
    2. Galeobdolon
    3. Lamium
    4. Lavandula
    5. Melissa
    6. Mentha
    7. Ocymum
    8. Phlomis
    9. Salvia
    10. Scutellaria
    11. Thymus
  103. Orobanchaceæ
    103. Orobanchaceæ Broom-Rape
    1. Æginetia
    2. Cistanche
    3. Epiphegus
    4. Lathræa
    5. Orobanche
  104. Verbenaceæ
    104. Verbenaceæ Vervain
    1. Avicennia
    2. Callicarpa
    3. Clerodendron
    4. Gmelina
    5. Lantana
    6. Myoporum
    7. Premna
    8. Stachytarpheta
    9. Tectona
    10. Verbena
    11. Vitex
  105. Acanthaceæ
    105. Acanthaceæ Acanthus
    1. Acanthus
    2. Aphelandra
    3. Barleria
    4. Beloperone
    5. Gendarussa
    6. Justicia
    7. Mendozia
    8. Phaylopsis
    9. Porphyrocoma
    10. Ruellia
    11. Strobilanthes
    12. Thunbergia
  106. Utriculariaceæ
    106. Utriculariaceæ Bladder-Wort
    1. Genlisea
    2. Pinguicula
    3. Utricularia
  107. Primulaceæ
    107. Primulaceæ Primrose
    1. Anagallis
    2. Androsace
    3. Aretia
    4. Cyclamen
    5. Diapensia
    6. Dodecatheon
    7. Douglasia
    8. Glaux
    9. Hottonia
    10. Lysimachia
    11. Primula
    12. Samolus
    13. Trientalis
  108. Plumbaginaceæ
    108. Plumbaginaceæ Lead-Wort
    1. Ægialitis
    2. Armeria
    3. Ceratostigma
    4. Plumbago
    5. Statice
    6. Vogelia
  109. Plantaginaceæ
    109. Plantaginaceæ Rib-Wort
    1. Bougueria
    2. Littorella
    3. Plantago
  110. Nyctaginaceæ
    110. Nyctaginaceæ Marvel of Peru
    1. Abronia
    2. Boerhaavia
    3. Bugainvillea
    4. Mirabilis
    5. Pisonia
  111. Amarantaceæ
    111. Amarantaceæ Amaranth
    1. Achyranthes
    2. Allmannia
    3. Alternanthera
    4. Amarantus
    5. Celosia
    6. Centrostachys
    7. Chamissoa
    8. Cladostachys
    9. Deeringia
    10. Desmochetia
    11. Digera
    12. Gomphrena
    13. Oplotheca
    14. Polyscalis
    15. Pupalia
  112. Chenopodiaceæ
    112. Chenopodiaceæ Goose-Foot
    1. Acnida
    2. Atriplex
    3. Basella
    4. Beta
    5. Blitum
    6. Chenopodium
    7. Salicornia
    8. Salsola
    9. Spinacia
    10. Thelygonum
  113. Phytolaccaceæ
    113. Phytolaccaceæ Phytolacca
    1. Gieseckia
    2. Phytolacca
    3. Rivinia
  114. Begoniaceæ
    114. Begoniaceæ Begonia
    1. Begonia
    2. Diploclinium
    3. Eupetalum
  115. Polygonaceæ
    115. Polygonaceæ Buck-Wheat
    1. Calligonia
    2. Coccoloba
    3. Eriogonum
    4. Fagopyrum
    5. Muhlenbeckia
    6. Oxyria
    7. Polygonum
    8. Rheum
    9. Rumex
    10. Triplaris
  116. Lauraceæ
    116. Lauraceæ Laurel
    1. Acrodiclidium
    2. Agathophyllum
    3. Benzoin
    4. Camphora
    5. Cassytha
    6. Cinnamomum
    7. Cryptocarya
    8. Dicypellium
    9. Laurus
    10. Nectandra
    11. Oreodaphne
    12. Persea
    13. Sassafras
  117. Myristicaceæ
    117. Myristicaceæ Nutmeg
    1. Hyalostemma
    2. Myristica
    3. Pyrrhosa
    4. Virola
  118. Proteaceæ
    118. Proteaceæ Protea
    1. Banksia
    2. Brabejum
    3. Dryandra
    4. Grevilliea
    5. Guevina
    6. Hakea
    7. Lambertia
    8. Leucospermum
    9. Lomatia
    10. Nivenia
    11. Persoonia
    12. Petrophila
    13. Protea
    14. Stenocarpus
    15. Telopea
  119. Thymelaceæ
    119. Thymelaceæ Daphne
    1. Dais
    2. Daphne
    3. Dirca
    4. Drapetes
    5. Gnidia
    6. Inocarpus
    7. Lagetta
    8. Passerina
    9. Pimelea
  120. Santalaceæ
    120. Santalaceæ Sandal-Wood
    1. Fusanus
    2. Leptomeria
    3. Myoschilus
    4. Osyris
    5. Pyrularia
    6. Santalum
    7. Thesium
  121. Elæagnaceæ
    121. Elæagnaceæ Oleaster
    1. Comptonia
    2. Elæagnus
    3. Hippophæ
    4. Myrica
    5. Nandina
  122. Aristolochiaceæ
    122. Aristolochiaceæ Aristolochia
    1. Aristolochia
    2. Asarum
    3. Bragantia
  123. Euphorbiaceæ
    123. Euphorbiaceæ Spurge
    1. Anda
    2. Buxus
    3. Croton
    4. Crozophora
    5. Ditassa
    6. Elæococca
    7. Eleuthera
    8. Emblica
    9. Euphorbia
    10. Hippomane
    11. Hura
    12. Jatropha
    13. Manihot
    14. Poinsettia
    15. Ricinus
    16. Siphonia
    17. Stillingia
  124. Artocarpaceæ
    124. Artocarpaceæ Bread-Fruit
    1. Antiaria
    2. Artocarpus
    3. Brosimum
    4. Broussonetia
    5. Cecropia
    6. Dorstenia
    7. Ficus
    8. Lepuranda
    9. Maclura
    10. Morus
    11. Phytocrene
  125. Urticaceæ
    125. Urticaceæ Nettle
    1. Cannabis
    2. Humulus
    3. Parietaria
    4. Urtica
  126. Piperaceæ
    126. Piperaceæ Pepper
    1. Acrocarpidium
    2. Artanthe
    3. Chavica
    4. Coccobyron
    5. Cubeba
    6. Macropiper
    7. Peperomia
    8. Piper
  127. Amentaceæ
    127. Amentaceæ Oak
    1. Betula
    2. Castanea
    3. Corylus
    4. Fagus
    5. Populus
    6. Quercus
    7. Salix
  128. Coniferaceæ
    128. Coniferaceæ Fir
    1. Abies
    2. Araucaria
    3. Cryptomeria
    4. Cupressus
    5. Juniperus
    6. Larix
    7. Pinus
    8. Schubertia
    9. Taxus
    10. Wellingtonia
  129. Cycadaceæ
    129. Cycadaceæ Cycas
    1. Cycas
    2. Dion
    3. Encephelartos
    4. Zamia
  130. Hydrocharidaceæ
    130. Hydrocharidaceæ Frog-Bit
    1. Anacharis
    2. Boottia
    3. Enhalus
    4. Hydrilla
    5. Hydrocharis
    6. Stratiotes
    7. Vallisneria
  131. Alismaceæ
    131. Alismaceæ Water-Plantain
    1. Actinocarpus
    2. Alisma
    3. Butomus
    4. Damasonium
    5. Limnocharis
    6. Sagittaria
  132. Orchidaceæ
    132. Orchidaceæ Orchis
    1. Ærides
    2. Bolbopphyllum
    3. Camarotis
    4. Cattleya
    5. Cœlogyne
    6. Cymbidium
    7. Cynoches
    8. Dendrobium
    9. Disa
    10. Epidendrum
    11. Epipactis
    12. Galeandra
    13. Huntleya
    14. Ocncidium
    15. Ophrys
    16. Orchis
    17. Phaius
    18. Phalænopsis
    19. Schomburgkia
    20. Sobralia
    21. Vanilla
  133. Zingiberaceæ
    133. Zingiberaceæ Ginger
    1. Alpinia
    2. Canna
    3. Curcuma
    4. Hedychium
    5. Kæmphferia
    6. Mantisia
    7. Maranta
    8. Zingiber
  134. Musaceæ
    134. Musaceæ Banana
    1. Heliconia
    2. Musa
    3. Strelitzia
    4. Urania
  135. Hæmodoraceæ
    135. Hæmodoraceæ Blood-Root
    1. Aletris
    2. Anigozanthus
    3. Barbacenia
    4. Dilatris
    5. Hæmodorum
    6. Lacnanthes
    7. Vellozia
  136. Amaryllidaceæ
    136. Amaryllidaceæ Amaryllis
    1. Agave
    2. Alströmeria
    3. Amaryllis
    4. Brunswigia
    5. Crinum
    6. Doryanthes
    7. Fourcroya
    8. Galanthus
    9. Hæmanthus
    10. Hippeastrum
    11. Littæa
    12. Narcissus
    13. Pancratium
    14. Phycella
    15. Sternbergia
  137. Iridaceæ
    137. Iridaceæ Iris
    1. Crocus
    2. Gladiolus
    3. Iris
    4. Ixia
    5. Moræa
    6. Sisyrinchium
    7. Sparaxis
    8. Tigridia
  138. Bromeliaceæ
    138. Bromeliaceæ Pine-Apple
    1. Æchmea
    2. Bilbergia
    3. Bromelia
    4. Pitcairnia
    5. Puya
    6. Tillandsia
  139. Dioscoraceæ
    139. Dioscoraceæ Yam
    1. Dioscorea
    2. Oncus
    3. Rayania
    4. Tamus
    5. Testitudinaria
  140. Smilaceæ
    140. Smilaceæ Sarsaparilla
    1. Asparagus
    2. Convallaria
    3. Dracæna
    4. Medeola
    5. Ophiogon
    6. Paris
    7. Polygonatum
    8. Ruscus
    9. Smilacina
    10. Smilax
    11. Streptopus
    12. Trillium
  141. Liliaceæ
    141. Liliaceæ Lily
    1. Agapanthus
    2. Allium
    3. Aloe
    4. Asphodelus
    5. Chrysobactron
    6. Fritillaria
    7. Funkia
    8. Hemerocallis
    9. Hyacinthus
    10. Lilium
    11. Ornithogalum
    12. Phormium
    13. Polianthes
    14. Scilla
    15. Tulipa
    16. Xanthorrhea
    17. Yucca
  142. Colchicaceæ
    142. Colchicaceæ Colchicum
    1. Asagræa
    2. Bulbododium
    3. Colchicum
    4. Gloriosa
    5. Helonias
    6. Kreysigia
    7. Melanthium
    8. Uvularia
    9. Veratrum
  143. Commelinaceæ
    143. Commelinaceæ Spider-Wort
    1. Aneilema
    2. Cartonema
    3. Commelina
    4. Cyanotis
    5. Dichorisandra
    6. Flagellaria
    7. Murdannia
    8. Tradescantia
  144. Juncaceæ
    144. Juncaceæ Rush
    1. Astelia
    2. Calectasia
    3. Juncus
    4. Luciola
    5. Narthecium
    6. Prionum
    7. Xerotes
  145. Palmaceæ
    145. Palmaceæ Palm
    1. Alfonsia
    2. Areca
    3. Calamus
    4. Ceroxylon
    5. Chamærops
    6. Cocos
    7. Corypha
    8. Elais
    9. Hyphæne
    10. Iriartea
    11. Mauritia
    12. Phœnix
    13. Phytelephas
    14. Plectocomia
    15. Sagus
  146. Pandanaceæ
    146. Pandanaceæ Screw-Pine
    1. Carludovica
    2. Cyclanthus
    3. Freycinetia
    4. Nipa
    5. Pandanus
  147. Typhaceæ
    147. Typhaceæ Bulrush
    1. Sparganium
    2. Typha
  148. Araceæ
    148. Araceæ Arum
    1. Acorus
    2. Amorphallus
    3. Arisæma
    4. Arum
    5. Caladium
    6. Calla
    7. Colocasia
    8. Dieffenbachia
    9. Draconium
    10. Lemna
    11. Monstera
    12. Pistia
    13. Pothos
    14. Pythonium
    15. Richardia
    16. Scindaspus
  149. Cyperaceæ
    149. Cyperaceæ Sedge
    1. Carex
    2. Cyperus
    3. Eleocharis
    4. Eriophorum
    5. Fuirena
    6. Isolepis
    7. Kyllingia
    8. Mariscus
    9. Papyrus
    10. Scirpus
  150. Graminaceæ
    150. Graminaceæ Grass
    1. Agrostis
    2. Arundo
    3. Avena
    4. Briza
    5. Coix
    6. Dactylis
    7. Festuca
    8. Gynerium
    9. Hordeum
    10. Oryza
    11. Panicum
    12. Pharlaris
    13. Phleum
    14. Poa
    15. Saccharum
    16. Secale
    17. Sorghum
    18. Triticum
    19. Zea
  151. Naiadaceæ
    151. Naiadaceæ Water-Weed
    1. Amphibolis
    2. Caullinia
    3. Naias
    4. Ouviranda
    5. Potamogeton
    6. Triglochin
    7. Zannichellia
    8. Zostera
  152. Equisetaceæ
    152. Equisetaceæ Horse-Tail
    1. Equisetum
  153. Lycopodiaceæ
    153. Lycopodiaceæ Lycopodium
    1. Azolla
    2. Isoetes
    3. Lycopodium
    4. Marsilea
    5. Phylloglossum
    6. Pilularia
    7. Salvinia
  154. Filicaceæ
    154. Filicaceæ Fern
    1. Acrostichum
    2. Adiantum
    3. Alsophila
    4. Anemia
    5. Asplenium
    6. Botrychium
    7. Cheilanthes
    8. Cryptogramma
    9. Cyathea
    10. Danæa
    11. Davallia
    12. Doryopteris
    13. Fadeynia
    14. Gymnogramma
    15. Hymenophyllum
    16. Ophioglossum
    17. Osmunda
    18. Platyloma
    19. Polypodium
    20. Pteris
    21. Scolopendrium
  155. Bryaceæ
    155. Bryaceæ Moss
    1. Andræa
    2. Bryum
    3. Dicranum
    4. Hymenostoma
    5. Hypnum
    6. Leucodon
    7. Orthotrichum
    8. Polytrichum
    9. Sphagnum
  156. Marchantiaceæ
    156. Marchantiaceæ Liverwort
    1. Aneura
    2. Anthoceros
    3. Duriæa
    4. Jungermannia
    5. Lunularia
    6. Marchantia
    7. Pellia
    8. Reboulia
    9. Riccia
    10. Targionia
  157. Characeæ
    157. Characeæ Chara
    1. Chara
    2. Nitella
  158. Lichenaceæ
    158. Lichenaceæ Lichen
    1. Cenomyce
    2. Cetraria
    3. Gyrophora
    4. Lecanora
    5. Parmelia
    6. Ramalina
    7. Roccella
    8. Stereocaulon
    9. Sticta
    10. Usnea
    11. Variolaria
  159. Fungaceæ
    159. Fungaceæ Fungus
    1. Agaricus
    2. Amanita
    3. Boletus
    4. Botrytis
    5. Bovista
    6. Cyathus
    7. Erineum
    8. Lycoperdon
    9. Morchella
    10. Mucor
    11. Mylitta
    12. Nidularia
    13. Peziza
    14. Polyporus
    15. Rhizomorpha
    16. Scleroderma
    17. Tuber
  160. Fucaceæ
    160. Fucaceæ Sea-Weed
    1. Alaria
    2. Botrydium
    3. Delessaria
    4. Durvillæa
    5. Fucus
    6. Furcellaria
    7. Himanthalia
    8. Iridæa
    9. Laminaria
    10. Macrocystis
    11. Protococcus
    12. Rhodomenia
    13. Sargassum
    14. Scyothalia
    15. Scytosiphon
    16. Ulva


  • Abies from Coniferaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Aconite from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Ægle from Aurantiaceæ was listed as from Orchidaceæ in the index.
  • Allamanda from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Ammannia from Lythraceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Aquilegium from Ranunculaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Aretia from Primulaceæ was spelled “Aresia” in the index.
  • Aromodendron from Magnoliaceæ was spelled “Aramodendron” in the index.
  • Asphodelus from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Aspidosperma from Apocynaceæ was spelled “Aspidospermum” in the index.
  • Befaria from Ericaceæ was listed as from Sapotaceæ in the index.
  • Beloperone from Acanthaceæ was spelled “Beleperone” in the index.
  • Berchemia from Rhamnaceæ was spelled “Berchæmia” in the index.
  • Biophytum from Oxalidaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Bocconia from Papaveraceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Boletus from Fungaceæ was listed as from Graminaceæ in the index.
  • Boronia from Rutaceæ was spelled “Borronia“ in the index.
  • Brysophylia from Crassulaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Buddlea from Scrophulariaceæ was spelled “Buddlæa” in the index.
  • Bulbocodium from colchiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Butomus from Alismaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Calliopsis from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Caltha from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Calycophyllum from Rubiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Camelina from Cruciaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Caullinia from Naiadaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Clavija from Myrsinaceæ was spelled “Claviga” in the index.
  • Clitoria from Leguminosæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Coccinia from Cucurbitaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Coccocypselum from Rubiaceæ was spelled “Coccocypselon” in the index.
  • Colocasia from Araceæ was listed as from Pandanaceæ in the index.
  • Conohoria from Umbellaceæ was in the index but not the description.
  • Cotoneaster from Pomaceæ was listed as from Rosaceæ in the index.
  • Crotalaria from Leguminosæ was spelled “Crotolaria” in the index.
  • Cuscuta from Convolvulaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Cyathea from Filicaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Cyrtandra from Gesneraceæ was spelled “Cystandra” in the index.
  • Dahlia from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Delima from Dilleniaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Desmochetia from Amarantaceæ was spelled “Desmochætia” in the index.
  • Dicranum from Bryaceæ was listed as from Marchantiaceæ in the index.
  • Dielytra from Fumariaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Drapetes from Thymelaceæ was spelled “Diapetes” in the index.
  • Duquetia from Anonaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Durvillæa from Fucaceæ was spelled “Dervillæa” in the index.
  • Echites from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Ehretia from Boraginaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Ekebergia from Meliaceæ was not in the index but in illustration and description.
  • Eleocharis from Cyperaceæ was spelled “Elæocharis” in the index.
  • Ellisia from Hoppocastanaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Enhalus from Hydrocharidaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Epipactis from Orchiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Eupatorium from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Farsetia from Cruciaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Feronia from Aurantiaceæ was listed as from Rutaceæ in the index.
  • Ficaria from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Fieldia from Bignoniaceæ was only in the index as from Gesneraceæ but was in the description.
  • Fragaria from Rosaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Fritillaria from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Funkia from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Glaux from Primulaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Glossocomia from Campanulaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Glossonema from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Gonolobus from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Gordonia from Camelliaceæ was listed as from Aurantiaceæ in the index.
  • Helianthus from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Herculia from Bombaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Heteropterys from Malpighiaceæ was spelled “Heteropteris” in the index.
  • Hippophae from Elæagnaceæ was spelled “Hippophæ” in the index.
  • Hovenia from Rhamnaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Hoya from Apocynaceæ was listed as from Convolvulaceæ in the index.
  • Hura from Euphorbiaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Hyacinthus from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Hydrocotyle from Umbellaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Hymenodictyon from Rubiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Indigo from Leguminosæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Lachnanthes from Hæmodoraceæ was spelled “Lacnanthes” in the index.
  • Lactuca from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Lambertia from Proteaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Larix from Coniferaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Larkspur from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Linnæa from Caprifoliaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Logania from Strychnaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Lycoperdon from Fungaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Mæsa from Myrsinaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Mammillaria from Cactaceæ was spelled “Mamillaria” in the index.
  • Marcgravia from Marcgraviaceæ was spelled “Marcgraavia” in the index.
  • Melanorrhœa from Terebeinthaceæ was spelled “Melanorrhea” in the index.
  • Myrtus from Myrtaceæ was listed as from Melastomaceæ in the index.
  • Nandina from Elæagnaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Nigella from Ranunculaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Onosmodium from Boraginaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Parinarium from Amygdalaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Peony from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Persica from Amygalaceæ was listed as from Melastomaceæ in the index.
  • Phlox from Polemoniaceæ was not in the index but in the description and illustration.
  • Portulaca from Portulaceæ was spelled “Portulacca” in the index.
  • Prunus from Amygdalaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Raphanus from Cruciaceæ was not in the index and only abbreviated as “R.” in the description.
  • Rhus from Terebinthaceæ was listed as from Leguminosæ in the index.
  • Roella from Campanulaceæ was spelled “Roellia” in the index.
  • Samyda from Samydaceæ was listed as from Meliaceæ in the index.
  • Sarmienta from Gesneraceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Schizopetalon from Cruciaceæ was not in the index but in the description and illustration.
  • Schrebera from Bignoniaceæ was spelled “Schebera” in the index.
  • Specularia from Campanulaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Sphagnum from Bryaceæ was spelled “Sphragnum” in the index.
  • Spinacia from Chenopodiaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
  • Spirea from Rosaceæ was not in the index but in the description and illustration.
  • Sticta from Lichenaceæ was spelled “Stricta” in the index.
  • Sumatrana from Violaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Ternstrœmia from Camelliaceæ was spelled “Ternstromia” in the index.
  • Sinapsis from Cruciaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Turræa from Meliaceæ was spelled “Turrea” in the index.
  • Vahea from Apocynaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
  • Voyra from Gentianaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
  • Willughbeia from Apocynaceæ was in the index but not in the description.


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