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Shown here are the 160 illustrations drawn by Elizabeth Twining from her two-volume catalog depicting the natural orders of plants. Read the original introduction and conclusion.
Every genus illustrated and described.
Illustrated and described Described only
1. Ranunculaceæ Crowfoot
- Aconite
- Actæa
- Anemone
- Aquilegium
- Caltha
- Clematis
- Delphinium
- Ficaria
- Hellborus
- Hepatica
- Larkspur
- Nigella
- Peony
- Ranunculus
- Trollius
2. Dilleniaceæ Dillenia
- Candollea
- Curatella
- Delima
- Dillenia
- Hibbertia
- Tetracera
3. Magnoliaceæ Magnolia
- Aromodendron
- Drymis
- Illicium
- Liriodendron
- Magnolia
- Michelia
- Talauma
- Tasmannia
4. Anonaceæ Custard-Apple
- Anona
- Artabotrys
- Bocagea
- Duquetia
- Guatteria
- Polyalthia
- Uvaria
- Xylopia
5. Menispermaceæ Moon-Seed
- Chonodendron
- Cissampelos
- Cocculus
- Coscinium
- Hollbollia
- Lardizabala
- Menispermum
- Stauntonia
6. Berberidaceæ Berberry
- Berberis
- Caulophyllum
- Diphylleia
- Epimedium
- Leontice
7. Fumariaceæ Fumitory
- Adlumia
- Corydalis
- Cysticapnos
- Dactylicapnos
- Dicentra
- Diclytra
- Dielytra
- Fumaria
- Sarcocapnos
8. Nympheaceæ Water-Lily
- Euryale
- Nelumbium
- Nuphar
- Nymphæa
- Victoria
9. Papaveraceæ Poppy
- Argemone
- Bocconia
- Chelidonium
- Glaucium
- Meconopsis
- Papaver
- Platystemon
- Sanguinaria
10. Sarraceniaceæ Side-Saddle Flower
- Heliamphora
- Sarracenia
11. Cruciaceæ Cruciform
- Alyssum
- Anastatica
- Brachycarpea
- Brassica
- Camelina
- Cardamine
- Cheiranthus
- Cochlearia
- Crambe
- Draba
- Erysinum
- Farsetia
- Hesperis
- Iberis
- Isatis
- Lepidium
- Lunaria
- Mathiola
- Moricandia
- Nasturtium
- Petrocallis
- Raphanus
- Schizopetalon
- Sinapsis
- Subularia
- Thlaspi
12. Capparidaceæ Caper
- Capparis
- Cleome
- Colicodendron
- Cratæva
- Physostemon
- Polanisia
- Sodada
13. Bixaceæ Arnotto
- Aphlora
- Bixa
- Flacourtia
- Hydnocarpus
- Lætia
- Oncoba
14. Passifloraceæ Passion-Flower
- Disemma
- Modecca
- Paropsia
- Passiflora
- Smeathmannia
- Tacsonia
15. Violaceæ Violet
- Alsodea
- Corynostylus
- Erpetion
- Hymenanthera
- Ionidium
- Pentaloba
- Sumatrana
- Viola
16. Polygalaceæ Milkwort
- Comesperma
- Monnina
- Mundia
- Muraltia
- Polygala
- Salomonia
- Securidaca
- Soulamea
- Trigonia
- Xanthophyllum
17. Resedaceæ Mignonette
- Caylusea
- Ochradenus
- Reseda
18. Droseraceæ Sun-Dew
- Aldrovanda
- Byblis
- Dionea
- Drosera
- Drosophyllum
19. Oxalidaceæ Wood-Sorrel
- Averrhoa
- Biophytum
- Oxalis
20. Pittosporaceæ Pittosporum
- Billardiera
- Bursaria
- Cheiranthera
- Citriobatus
- Pittosporum
21. Linaceæ Flax
- Linum
- Radiola
22. Cistaceæ Rock-Rose
- Cistus
- Helianthemum
- Hudsonia
- Lechea
23. Malvaceæ Mallow
- Abelmoschus
- Abutilon
- Achania
- Althea
- Gossypium
- Hibiscus
- Malope
- Malva
- Pavonia
- Sida
- Urena
24. Tropæolaceæ Indian Cress, or Nasturtium
- Chymocarpus
- Limnanthes
- Magallana
- Tropæolum
25. Byttneriaceæ Byttneria
- Abroma
- Astrapæa
- Bubroma
- Byttneria
- Dombeya
- Eriolæna
- Hermannia
- Kydia
- Lasiopetalum
- Melhania
- Phlippodendron
- Theobroma
- Waltheria
26. Bombaceæ Silk-Cotton Tree
- Adansonia
- Bombax
- Cheirostemon
- Durio
- Helicteres
- Herculia
27. Tiliaceæ Linden or Lime-Tree
- Aristotelia
- Berrya
- Corchorus
- Elæocarpus
- Grewia
- Sparmannia
- Tilia
28. Sapindaceæ Soap-Tree
- Cardiospermum
- Dodonea
- Melicocca
- Nephelium
- Ophiocaryon
- Pappea
- Paullinia
- Sapindus
- Serjania
- Urvillea
29. Hippocastanaceæ Horse-Chesnut
- Æsculus
- Ellisia
- Pavia
30. Aceraceæ Maple
- Acer
- Dobinea
- Negundo
31. Malpighiaceæ Barbadoes Cherry
- Banisteria
- Bunchosia
- Byrsonima
- Diplopteris
- Heteropterys
- Hiptage
- Hirea
- Malpighia
- Ryssopteris
- Stigmaphyllum
32. Hippocrateaceæ Hippocratea
- Hippocratea
- Johnia
- Salacia
- Tontelea
33. Hypericaceæ St. John’s Wort
- Androsæmum
- Ascyrum
- Cratoxylon
- Elodea
- Hypericum
- Parnassia
- Vismia
34. Clusiaceæ Gamboge
- Calophyllum
- Clusia
- Garcinia
- Mammea
- Mesua
- Moronobea
- Pentadesma
- Verticillaria
- Xanthochymus
35. Dipterocarpaceæ Dipterocarpus
- Dipterocarpus
- Dryobalanops
- Hopea
- Shorea
- Vateria
36. Marcgraviaceæ Marcgravia
- Marcgraavia
- Norantea
- Ruyschia
37. Vitaceæ Vine
- Ampelopsis
- Cissus
- Leea
- Pterisanthes
- Vitis
38. Geraniaceæ Geranium
- Erodium
- Geranium
- Pelargonium
- Sarcocaulon
39. Cedrelaceæ Mahogany
- Cedrela
- Chickrassia
- Chloroxylon
- Flindersia
- Khaya
- Oxleya
- Soymida
- Swietenia
40. Meliaceæ Bead-Tree
- Carapa
- Dysoxylon
- Ekebergia
- Guarea
- Hartighsea
- Lasium
- Melia
- Milnea
- Trichilia
- Turræa
41. Aurantiaceæ Orange
- Ægle
- Citrus
- Cookia
- Feronia
- Glycosmis
- Limonia
- Triphasia
42. Camelliaceæ Camellia
- Anneslea
- Camellia
- Caraipa
- Eurya
- Gordonia
- Kielmeyera
- Stuartia
- Ternstrœmia
- Thea
43. Olacaceæ Olax
- Apodytes
- Heisteria
- Iacina
- Olax
- Ximenia
44. Rutaceæ Rue
- Adenandra
- Borronia
- Correa
- Cusparia
- Dictamnus
- Erythrochiton
- Esenbeckia
- Galipea
- Haplophyllum
- Hortia
- Ruta
- Ticorea
45. Simarubaceæ Quassia
- Brucea
- Nima
- Picræna
- Samadera
- Simaba
- Simaruba
46. Samydaceæ Samyda
- Casearia
- Pitumba
- Samyda
47. Rhamnaceæ Buckthorn
- Berchæmia
- Ceanothus
- Cryptandra
- Discaria
- Hovenia
- Paliurus
- Phylica
- Pomaderris
- Rhamnus
- Sageretia
- Zizyphus
48. Terebinthaceæ Turpentine-Tree
- Anacardium
- Duvaua
- Mangifera
- Melanorrhœa
- Pistacia
- Rhus
- Schinus
- Semecarpus
- Spondias
49. Leguminosæ Pea
- Acacia
- Alexandra
- Astralagus
- Cassia
- Ceratonia
- Clitoria
- Crotalaria
- Dipterix
- Glycyrrhiza
- Hymenea
- Indigo
- Medicago
- Mimosa
- Pisum
- Robinia
- Spartium
- Tetragonolobus
- Trifolium
- Wistaria
50. Juglandaceæ Walnut
- Carya
- Engelhardtia
- Juglans
- Pterocarya
51. Rosaceæ Rose
- Agrimonia
- Brayera
- Dryas
- Fragaria
- Gillenia
- Poterium
- Quillaia
- Rosa
- Rubus
- Sanguisorba
- Sieversia
- Spirea
- Tormentilla
52. Pomaceæ Apple
- Cotoneaster
- Cratægus
- Cydonia
- Eriobotrya
- Mespilus
- Photinia
- Pyrus
53. Amygdalaceæ Almond
- Amygdalus
- Cerasus
- Chrysobalanus
- Parinarium
- Persica
- Prunus
54. Lythraceæ Loosestrife
- Ameletia
- Ammannia
- Cuphea
- Grislea
- Heimia
- Lagerstrœmia
- Lawsonia
- Lythrum
- Pemphis
- Peplis
- Physocalymma
- Rotala
55. Tamaricaceæ Tamarisk
- Myricaria
- Tamarix
56. Melastomaceæ Melastoma
- Astronia
- Blakea
- Cremanium
- Lasiandra
- Medinilla
- Melastoma
- Memecylon
- Miconia
- Myrrhinium
- Osbeckia
- Pleroma
- Sonerila
- Stenodon
- Tococo
- Tristemma
57. Myrtaceæ Myrtle
- Careya
- Caryophyllus
- Eucalyptus
- Eugenia
- Leptospermum
- Melaleuca
- Metrosideros
- Myrtus
- Psidium
- Punica
- Sonneratia
58. Lecythidaceæ Lecythis
- Bertholletia
- Couratari
- Couropita
- Lecythis
59. Combretaceæ Combretum
- Alangium
- Bucida
- Chuncoa
- Combretum
- Conocarpus
- Laguncularia
- Nyssa
- Pentaptera
- Terminalia
60. Loasaceæ Loasa
- Bartonia
- Klaprothia
- Loasa
- Mentzelia
- Microsperma
61. Cucurbitaceæ Gourd
- Bryonia
- Coccinia
- Cucumis
- Cucurbita
- Feuillæa
- Momordica
- Sicyos
- Telfairia
- Tricosanthes
- Zanonia
62. Onagraceæ Evening Primrose
- Circæa
- Clarkia
- Epilobium
- Fuchsia
- Isnardia
- Jussiæa
- Lopezia
- Œnothera
63. Mesembryaceæ Fig-Marigold
- Aizoon
- Lewisia
- Mesembryanthemum
- Sesuvium
- Tetragonia
64. Portulaceæ Purslane
- Calandrinia
- Claytonia
- Montia
- Portulacca
65. Cactaceæ Cactus
- Cactus
- Cereus
- Echinocactus
- Epiphyllum
- Mammillaria
- Opuntia
- Pereskia
- Pilocereus
- Rhipsalis
66. Grossulariaceæ Currant and Gooseberry
- Polyosma
- Ribes
67. Crassulaceæ Houseleek
- Bryophyllum
- Brysophila
- Crassula
- Kalanchoe
- Rhodiola
- Sedum
- Sempervivum
68. Saxifragaceæ Saxifrage
- Chrysoplenium
- Heuchera
- Saxifraga
- Tiarella
69. Caryophyllaceæ Clove-Pink
- Agrostemma
- Arenaria
- Cerastium
- Dianthus
- Gysophila
- Lychnis
- Mollugo
- Saponaria
- Silene
- Spergula
- Stellaria
70. Umbellaceæ Umbel-Flowered
- Anethum
- Apium
- Astrantia
- Bolax
- Bupleurum
- Carum
- Cicuta
- Conium
- Conohoria
- Coriandrum
- Crithmum
- Daucus
- Eryngium
- Ferula
- Galbanum
- Heracleum
- Hydrocotyle
- Leucolæna
- Lichtensteinia
- Œnanthe
- Opopanax
- Pastinaca
- Phellandrium
- Pimpinella
- Prangos
- Scandix
71. Araliaceæ Aralia
- Adoxa
- Aralia
- Hedera
- Panax
72. Caprifoliaceæ Honeysuckle
- Abelia
- Benthamia
- Caprifoium
- Cornus
- Leycesteria
- Linnæa
- Lonicera
- Sambucus
- Symphoria
- Viburnum
- Weigela
73. Loranthaceæ Mistletoe
- Loranthus
- Misodendron
- Nuytsia
- Viscum
74. Rubiaceæ Madder
- Asperula
- Calycophyllum
- Cephælis
- Cinchona
- Coccocypselum
- Coffæa
- Coprosma
- Evosmia
- Galium
- Genipa
- Hymenodictyon
- Hymenopogon
- Ixora
- Kohautia
- Morinda
- Mussænda
- Nerteria
- Oldenlandia
- Pinckneya
- Rondeletia
- Rubia
- Sarcocephalus
- Vangueria
75. Valerianaceæ Valerian
- Astrephia
- Centranthus
- Fedia
- Nardostachys
- Patrinia
- Triplostegia
- Valeriana
76. Compositaceæ Composite
- Agathea
- Anacyclus
- Anthemis
- Arctium
- Artemisia
- Bellis
- Calliopsis
- Carlina
- Carthamus
- Catananche
- Centaurea
- Ceradia
- Cichorium
- Cosmea
- Cynara
- Dahlia
- Echinops
- Elichrysum
- Eupatorium
- Gnaphalium
- Guizotia
- Helianthus
- Helminthia
- Lactuca
- Madia
- Mikania
- Onopordum
- Santolina
- Scorzonera
- Taraxacum
- Tussilago
- Zinnia
77. Dipsaceæ Teasel
- Cephalaria
- Dipsacus
- Knautia
- Morina
- Scabiosa
78. Stylidiaceæ Style-Wort
- Forstera
- Levenhookia
- Stylidium
79. Goodeniaceæ Goodenia
- Brunonia
- Dampiera
- Euthales
- Goodenia
- Lechenaultia
- Scævola
- Selliera
- Velleia
80. Campanulaceæ Bell-Flower
- Campanula
- Canarina
- Codonopsis
- Cyphia
- Glossocomia
- Jasione
- Michauxia
- Phyteuma
- Roella
- Specularia
- Wahlenbergia
81. Lobeliaceæ Lobelia
- Centropogon
- Clintonia
- Isotoma
- Lobelia
- Siphocampylos
- Tupa
82. Gesneraceæ Gesnera
- Achimenes
- Æschynanthus
- Alloplectus
- Calosacme
- Chirita
- Columnea
- Cyrilla
- Cyrtandra
- Didymocarpus
- Fieldia
- Gesnera
- Gloxinia
- Haberlea
- Klugia
- Ramondia
- Sarmienta
- Streptocarpus
83. Vacciniaceæ Cranberry
- Gaylussacia
- Oxycoccus
- Thibaudia
- Vaccinium
84. Ericaceæ Heath
- Andromeda
- Arbutus
- Befaria
- Calluna
- Erica
- Gualteria
- Kalmia
- Ledum
- Rhododendron
85. Belvisiaceæ Napoleona
- Asteranthus
- Napoleona
86. Myrsinaceæ Myrsine
- Ægiceras
- Ardisia
- Clavija
- Embelia
- Jacquinia
- Mæsa
- Myrsine
- Reptonia
- Suttonia
- Theophrosta
87. Sapotaceæ Sappodilla
- Achras
- Bassia
- Bumelia
- Chrysophyllum
- Imbricaria
- Isonandra
- Lucuma
- Mimusops
88. Ebenaceæ Ebony
- Diospyros
- Maba
- Royena
89. Oleaceæ Olive
- Fraxinus
- Ligustrum
- Olea
- Phyllirea
- Syringa
- Tessarandra
90. Jasmineaceæ Jasmine
- Bolivaria
- Jasminum
- Nyctanthes
91. Strychnaceæ Strychnos
- Fagræa
- Ignatia
- Logania
- Potalia
- Spigelia
- Strychnos
92. Apocynaceæ Dog’s-Bane
- Allamanda
- Alyxia
- Apocynum
- Asclepias
- Aspidosperma
- Cameraria
- Carissa
- Carpodinus
- Cerbera
- Collophora
- Cynanchum
- Echites
- Glossonema
- Gonolobus
- Gymnema
- Hasseltia
- Hoya
- Nerium
- Plumiera
- Sarcostemma
- Stapelia
- Tabernæmontana
- Tanghinia
- Urceola
- Vahea
- Vallesia
- Vinca
- Willughbeia
93. Rhizophoraceæ Mangrove
- Bruguiera
- Carallia
- Kandelia
- Rhizophora
94. Gentianaceæ Gentian
- Agathotes
- Chironia
- Chlora
- Erythræa
- Exacum
- Gentiana
- Leianthes
- Lisianthus
- Menyanthes
- Villarsia
- Voyra
95. Bignoniaceæ Trumpet-Flower
- Amphicome
- Bignonia
- Catalpa
- Eccremocarpus
- Fieldia
- Incarvillea
- Jacaranda
- Schrebera
- Tecoma
- Trigonocarpus
- Wightia
96. Polemoniaceæ Polemonium
- Cobæa
- Collomia
- Cyananthus
- Gilia
- Leptosiphon
- Phlox
- Polemonium
97. Convolvulaceæ Bind-Weed
- Calystegia
- Convolvulus
- Cuscuta
- Ipomea
- Pharbitis
- Piptostegia
98. Boraginaceæ Borage
- Anchusa
- Borago
- Cerinthe
- Cynoglossum
- Echium
- Ehretia
- Heliotropium
- Lithospermum
- Myosotis
- Onosmodium
- Pulmonaria
- Symphytum
- Tournefortia
- Trichodesma
99. Hydrophyllaceæ Water-Leaf
- Codon
- Eutoca
- Hydrolea
- Hydrophyllum
- Nama
- Nemophila
- Romanzovia
- Whitlavia
100. Solanaceæ Potato
- Acocanthera
- Atropa
- Brugmansia
- Capsicum
- Datura
- Hyoscyamus
- Juanulloa
- Nicotiana
- Nierembergia
- Petunia
- Physalis
- Salpiglossis
- Solanum
- Verbascum
101. Scrophulariaceæ Fig-Wort
- Antirrhinum
- Bramia
- Browallia
- Buchnera
- Buddlæa
- Calceolaria
- Chelone
- Digitalis
- Euphrasia
- Herpestes
- Limosella
- Linaria
- Lophospermum
- Manulea
- Maurandya
- Melampyrum
- Mimulus
- Paulownia
- Picrorhiza
- Rhinanthus
- Schizanthus
- Scoparia
- Scrophularia
- Sibthorpia
- Striga
- Teedia
- Torenia
- Vandelia
- Veronica
102. Lamiaceæ Dead-Nettle
- Betonica
- Galeobdolon
- Lamium
- Lavandula
- Melissa
- Mentha
- Ocymum
- Phlomis
- Salvia
- Scutellaria
- Thymus
103. Orobanchaceæ Broom-Rape
- Æginetia
- Cistanche
- Epiphegus
- Lathræa
- Orobanche
104. Verbenaceæ Vervain
- Avicennia
- Callicarpa
- Clerodendron
- Gmelina
- Lantana
- Myoporum
- Premna
- Stachytarpheta
- Tectona
- Verbena
- Vitex
105. Acanthaceæ Acanthus
- Acanthus
- Aphelandra
- Barleria
- Beloperone
- Gendarussa
- Justicia
- Mendozia
- Phaylopsis
- Porphyrocoma
- Ruellia
- Strobilanthes
- Thunbergia
106. Utriculariaceæ Bladder-Wort
- Genlisea
- Pinguicula
- Utricularia
107. Primulaceæ Primrose
- Anagallis
- Androsace
- Aretia
- Cyclamen
- Diapensia
- Dodecatheon
- Douglasia
- Glaux
- Hottonia
- Lysimachia
- Primula
- Samolus
- Trientalis
108. Plumbaginaceæ Lead-Wort
- Ægialitis
- Armeria
- Ceratostigma
- Plumbago
- Statice
- Vogelia
109. Plantaginaceæ Rib-Wort
- Bougueria
- Littorella
- Plantago
110. Nyctaginaceæ Marvel of Peru
- Abronia
- Boerhaavia
- Bugainvillea
- Mirabilis
- Pisonia
111. Amarantaceæ Amaranth
- Achyranthes
- Allmannia
- Alternanthera
- Amarantus
- Celosia
- Centrostachys
- Chamissoa
- Cladostachys
- Deeringia
- Desmochetia
- Digera
- Gomphrena
- Oplotheca
- Polyscalis
- Pupalia
112. Chenopodiaceæ Goose-Foot
- Acnida
- Atriplex
- Basella
- Beta
- Blitum
- Chenopodium
- Salicornia
- Salsola
- Spinacia
- Thelygonum
113. Phytolaccaceæ Phytolacca
- Gieseckia
- Phytolacca
- Rivinia
114. Begoniaceæ Begonia
- Begonia
- Diploclinium
- Eupetalum
115. Polygonaceæ Buck-Wheat
- Calligonia
- Coccoloba
- Eriogonum
- Fagopyrum
- Muhlenbeckia
- Oxyria
- Polygonum
- Rheum
- Rumex
- Triplaris
116. Lauraceæ Laurel
- Acrodiclidium
- Agathophyllum
- Benzoin
- Camphora
- Cassytha
- Cinnamomum
- Cryptocarya
- Dicypellium
- Laurus
- Nectandra
- Oreodaphne
- Persea
- Sassafras
117. Myristicaceæ Nutmeg
- Hyalostemma
- Myristica
- Pyrrhosa
- Virola
118. Proteaceæ Protea
- Banksia
- Brabejum
- Dryandra
- Grevilliea
- Guevina
- Hakea
- Lambertia
- Leucospermum
- Lomatia
- Nivenia
- Persoonia
- Petrophila
- Protea
- Stenocarpus
- Telopea
119. Thymelaceæ Daphne
- Dais
- Daphne
- Dirca
- Drapetes
- Gnidia
- Inocarpus
- Lagetta
- Passerina
- Pimelea
120. Santalaceæ Sandal-Wood
- Fusanus
- Leptomeria
- Myoschilus
- Osyris
- Pyrularia
- Santalum
- Thesium
121. Elæagnaceæ Oleaster
- Comptonia
- Elæagnus
- Hippophæ
- Myrica
- Nandina
122. Aristolochiaceæ Aristolochia
- Aristolochia
- Asarum
- Bragantia
123. Euphorbiaceæ Spurge
- Anda
- Buxus
- Croton
- Crozophora
- Ditassa
- Elæococca
- Eleuthera
- Emblica
- Euphorbia
- Hippomane
- Hura
- Jatropha
- Manihot
- Poinsettia
- Ricinus
- Siphonia
- Stillingia
124. Artocarpaceæ Bread-Fruit
- Antiaria
- Artocarpus
- Brosimum
- Broussonetia
- Cecropia
- Dorstenia
- Ficus
- Lepuranda
- Maclura
- Morus
- Phytocrene
125. Urticaceæ Nettle
- Cannabis
- Humulus
- Parietaria
- Urtica
126. Piperaceæ Pepper
- Acrocarpidium
- Artanthe
- Chavica
- Coccobyron
- Cubeba
- Macropiper
- Peperomia
- Piper
127. Amentaceæ Oak
- Betula
- Castanea
- Corylus
- Fagus
- Populus
- Quercus
- Salix
128. Coniferaceæ Fir
- Abies
- Araucaria
- Cryptomeria
- Cupressus
- Juniperus
- Larix
- Pinus
- Schubertia
- Taxus
- Wellingtonia
129. Cycadaceæ Cycas
- Cycas
- Dion
- Encephelartos
- Zamia
130. Hydrocharidaceæ Frog-Bit
- Anacharis
- Boottia
- Enhalus
- Hydrilla
- Hydrocharis
- Stratiotes
- Vallisneria
131. Alismaceæ Water-Plantain
- Actinocarpus
- Alisma
- Butomus
- Damasonium
- Limnocharis
- Sagittaria
132. Orchidaceæ Orchis
- Ærides
- Bolbopphyllum
- Camarotis
- Cattleya
- Cœlogyne
- Cymbidium
- Cynoches
- Dendrobium
- Disa
- Epidendrum
- Epipactis
- Galeandra
- Huntleya
- Ocncidium
- Ophrys
- Orchis
- Phaius
- Phalænopsis
- Schomburgkia
- Sobralia
- Vanilla
133. Zingiberaceæ Ginger
- Alpinia
- Canna
- Curcuma
- Hedychium
- Kæmphferia
- Mantisia
- Maranta
- Zingiber
134. Musaceæ Banana
- Heliconia
- Musa
- Strelitzia
- Urania
135. Hæmodoraceæ Blood-Root
- Aletris
- Anigozanthus
- Barbacenia
- Dilatris
- Hæmodorum
- Lacnanthes
- Vellozia
136. Amaryllidaceæ Amaryllis
- Agave
- Alströmeria
- Amaryllis
- Brunswigia
- Crinum
- Doryanthes
- Fourcroya
- Galanthus
- Hæmanthus
- Hippeastrum
- Littæa
- Narcissus
- Pancratium
- Phycella
- Sternbergia
137. Iridaceæ Iris
- Crocus
- Gladiolus
- Iris
- Ixia
- Moræa
- Sisyrinchium
- Sparaxis
- Tigridia
138. Bromeliaceæ Pine-Apple
- Æchmea
- Bilbergia
- Bromelia
- Pitcairnia
- Puya
- Tillandsia
139. Dioscoraceæ Yam
- Dioscorea
- Oncus
- Rayania
- Tamus
- Testitudinaria
140. Smilaceæ Sarsaparilla
- Asparagus
- Convallaria
- Dracæna
- Medeola
- Ophiogon
- Paris
- Polygonatum
- Ruscus
- Smilacina
- Smilax
- Streptopus
- Trillium
141. Liliaceæ Lily
- Agapanthus
- Allium
- Aloe
- Asphodelus
- Chrysobactron
- Fritillaria
- Funkia
- Hemerocallis
- Hyacinthus
- Lilium
- Ornithogalum
- Phormium
- Polianthes
- Scilla
- Tulipa
- Xanthorrhea
- Yucca
142. Colchicaceæ Colchicum
- Asagræa
- Bulbododium
- Colchicum
- Gloriosa
- Helonias
- Kreysigia
- Melanthium
- Uvularia
- Veratrum
143. Commelinaceæ Spider-Wort
- Aneilema
- Cartonema
- Commelina
- Cyanotis
- Dichorisandra
- Flagellaria
- Murdannia
- Tradescantia
144. Juncaceæ Rush
- Astelia
- Calectasia
- Juncus
- Luciola
- Narthecium
- Prionum
- Xerotes
145. Palmaceæ Palm
- Alfonsia
- Areca
- Calamus
- Ceroxylon
- Chamærops
- Cocos
- Corypha
- Elais
- Hyphæne
- Iriartea
- Mauritia
- Phœnix
- Phytelephas
- Plectocomia
- Sagus
146. Pandanaceæ Screw-Pine
- Carludovica
- Cyclanthus
- Freycinetia
- Nipa
- Pandanus
147. Typhaceæ Bulrush
- Sparganium
- Typha
148. Araceæ Arum
- Acorus
- Amorphallus
- Arisæma
- Arum
- Caladium
- Calla
- Colocasia
- Dieffenbachia
- Draconium
- Lemna
- Monstera
- Pistia
- Pothos
- Pythonium
- Richardia
- Scindaspus
149. Cyperaceæ Sedge
- Carex
- Cyperus
- Eleocharis
- Eriophorum
- Fuirena
- Isolepis
- Kyllingia
- Mariscus
- Papyrus
- Scirpus
150. Graminaceæ Grass
- Agrostis
- Arundo
- Avena
- Briza
- Coix
- Dactylis
- Festuca
- Gynerium
- Hordeum
- Oryza
- Panicum
- Pharlaris
- Phleum
- Poa
- Saccharum
- Secale
- Sorghum
- Triticum
- Zea
151. Naiadaceæ Water-Weed
- Amphibolis
- Caullinia
- Naias
- Ouviranda
- Potamogeton
- Triglochin
- Zannichellia
- Zostera
152. Equisetaceæ Horse-Tail
- Equisetum
153. Lycopodiaceæ Lycopodium
- Azolla
- Isoetes
- Lycopodium
- Marsilea
- Phylloglossum
- Pilularia
- Salvinia
154. Filicaceæ Fern
- Acrostichum
- Adiantum
- Alsophila
- Anemia
- Asplenium
- Botrychium
- Cheilanthes
- Cryptogramma
- Cyathea
- Danæa
- Davallia
- Doryopteris
- Fadeynia
- Gymnogramma
- Hymenophyllum
- Ophioglossum
- Osmunda
- Platyloma
- Polypodium
- Pteris
- Scolopendrium
155. Bryaceæ Moss
- Andræa
- Bryum
- Dicranum
- Hymenostoma
- Hypnum
- Leucodon
- Orthotrichum
- Polytrichum
- Sphagnum
156. Marchantiaceæ Liverwort
- Aneura
- Anthoceros
- Duriæa
- Jungermannia
- Lunularia
- Marchantia
- Pellia
- Reboulia
- Riccia
- Targionia
157. Characeæ Chara
- Chara
- Nitella
158. Lichenaceæ Lichen
- Cenomyce
- Cetraria
- Gyrophora
- Lecanora
- Parmelia
- Ramalina
- Roccella
- Stereocaulon
- Sticta
- Usnea
- Variolaria
159. Fungaceæ Fungus
- Agaricus
- Amanita
- Boletus
- Botrytis
- Bovista
- Cyathus
- Erineum
- Lycoperdon
- Morchella
- Mucor
- Mylitta
- Nidularia
- Peziza
- Polyporus
- Rhizomorpha
- Scleroderma
- Tuber
160. Fucaceæ Sea-Weed
- Alaria
- Botrydium
- Delessaria
- Durvillæa
- Fucus
- Furcellaria
- Himanthalia
- Iridæa
- Laminaria
- Macrocystis
- Protococcus
- Rhodomenia
- Sargassum
- Scyothalia
- Scytosiphon
- Ulva
- Abies from Coniferaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Aconite from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Ægle from Aurantiaceæ was listed as from Orchidaceæ in the index.
- Allamanda from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Ammannia from Lythraceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Aquilegium from Ranunculaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Aretia from Primulaceæ was spelled “Aresia” in the index.
- Aromodendron from Magnoliaceæ was spelled “Aramodendron” in the index.
- Asphodelus from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Aspidosperma from Apocynaceæ was spelled “Aspidospermum” in the index.
- Befaria from Ericaceæ was listed as from Sapotaceæ in the index.
- Beloperone from Acanthaceæ was spelled “Beleperone” in the index.
- Berchemia from Rhamnaceæ was spelled “Berchæmia” in the index.
- Biophytum from Oxalidaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Bocconia from Papaveraceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Boletus from Fungaceæ was listed as from Graminaceæ in the index.
- Boronia from Rutaceæ was spelled “Borronia“ in the index.
- Brysophylia from Crassulaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Buddlea from Scrophulariaceæ was spelled “Buddlæa” in the index.
- Bulbocodium from colchiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Butomus from Alismaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Calliopsis from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Caltha from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Calycophyllum from Rubiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Camelina from Cruciaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Caullinia from Naiadaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Clavija from Myrsinaceæ was spelled “Claviga” in the index.
- Clitoria from Leguminosæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Coccinia from Cucurbitaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Coccocypselum from Rubiaceæ was spelled “Coccocypselon” in the index.
- Colocasia from Araceæ was listed as from Pandanaceæ in the index.
- Conohoria from Umbellaceæ was in the index but not the description.
- Cotoneaster from Pomaceæ was listed as from Rosaceæ in the index.
- Crotalaria from Leguminosæ was spelled “Crotolaria” in the index.
- Cuscuta from Convolvulaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Cyathea from Filicaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Cyrtandra from Gesneraceæ was spelled “Cystandra” in the index.
- Dahlia from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Delima from Dilleniaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Desmochetia from Amarantaceæ was spelled “Desmochætia” in the index.
- Dicranum from Bryaceæ was listed as from Marchantiaceæ in the index.
- Dielytra from Fumariaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Drapetes from Thymelaceæ was spelled “Diapetes” in the index.
- Duquetia from Anonaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Durvillæa from Fucaceæ was spelled “Dervillæa” in the index.
- Echites from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Ehretia from Boraginaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Ekebergia from Meliaceæ was not in the index but in illustration and description.
- Eleocharis from Cyperaceæ was spelled “Elæocharis” in the index.
- Ellisia from Hoppocastanaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Enhalus from Hydrocharidaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Epipactis from Orchiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Eupatorium from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Farsetia from Cruciaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Feronia from Aurantiaceæ was listed as from Rutaceæ in the index.
- Ficaria from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Fieldia from Bignoniaceæ was only in the index as from Gesneraceæ but was in the description.
- Fragaria from Rosaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Fritillaria from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Funkia from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Glaux from Primulaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Glossocomia from Campanulaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Glossonema from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Gonolobus from Apocynaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Gordonia from Camelliaceæ was listed as from Aurantiaceæ in the index.
- Helianthus from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Herculia from Bombaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Heteropterys from Malpighiaceæ was spelled “Heteropteris” in the index.
- Hippophae from Elæagnaceæ was spelled “Hippophæ” in the index.
- Hovenia from Rhamnaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Hoya from Apocynaceæ was listed as from Convolvulaceæ in the index.
- Hura from Euphorbiaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Hyacinthus from Liliaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Hydrocotyle from Umbellaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Hymenodictyon from Rubiaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Indigo from Leguminosæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Lachnanthes from Hæmodoraceæ was spelled “Lacnanthes” in the index.
- Lactuca from Compositaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Lambertia from Proteaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Larix from Coniferaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Larkspur from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Linnæa from Caprifoliaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Logania from Strychnaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Lycoperdon from Fungaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Mæsa from Myrsinaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Mammillaria from Cactaceæ was spelled “Mamillaria” in the index.
- Marcgravia from Marcgraviaceæ was spelled “Marcgraavia” in the index.
- Melanorrhœa from Terebeinthaceæ was spelled “Melanorrhea” in the index.
- Myrtus from Myrtaceæ was listed as from Melastomaceæ in the index.
- Nandina from Elæagnaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Nigella from Ranunculaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Onosmodium from Boraginaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Parinarium from Amygdalaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Peony from Ranunculaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Persica from Amygalaceæ was listed as from Melastomaceæ in the index.
- Phlox from Polemoniaceæ was not in the index but in the description and illustration.
- Portulaca from Portulaceæ was spelled “Portulacca” in the index.
- Prunus from Amygdalaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Raphanus from Cruciaceæ was not in the index and only abbreviated as “R.” in the description.
- Rhus from Terebinthaceæ was listed as from Leguminosæ in the index.
- Roella from Campanulaceæ was spelled “Roellia” in the index.
- Samyda from Samydaceæ was listed as from Meliaceæ in the index.
- Sarmienta from Gesneraceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Schizopetalon from Cruciaceæ was not in the index but in the description and illustration.
- Schrebera from Bignoniaceæ was spelled “Schebera” in the index.
- Specularia from Campanulaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Sphagnum from Bryaceæ was spelled “Sphragnum” in the index.
- Spinacia from Chenopodiaceæ was not in the index but in the illustration and description.
- Spirea from Rosaceæ was not in the index but in the description and illustration.
- Sticta from Lichenaceæ was spelled “Stricta” in the index.
- Sumatrana from Violaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Ternstrœmia from Camelliaceæ was spelled “Ternstromia” in the index.
- Sinapsis from Cruciaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Turræa from Meliaceæ was spelled “Turrea” in the index.
- Vahea from Apocynaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
- Voyra from Gentianaceæ was not in the index but in the description.
- Willughbeia from Apocynaceæ was in the index but not in the description.
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