Heine’s Emerald
Illustration not included in supplement volume
This species is placed by Mr. Elliot in the white-breasted section of the genus Agyrtria, close to A. neglecta, from which it differs in its blue-black tail.
The habitat is said to be Guiana, and the typical specimen is in the Museum Heineanum. As we have never seen an example, we are obliged to translate Heine’s original description:—
Similar to A. brevirostris, but rather smaller and with the bill longer; above glittering golden green; underneath white, varied with glittering spots of golden green; the sides of the breast and belly uniform emerald-green; the middle of the abdomen uniform white; the under tail-coverts glittering emerald-green; quills dusky; tail-feathers blue-black; upper mandible dusky, the lower one brownish horn; feet dusky.
[R. B. S.]
Featuring all 422 illustrated species from John Gould’s A Monograph of the Trochilidæ, or Family of Humming-Birds arranged by color.