
Amazilia corallirostris

Coral-billed Amazili

Central America

Few of the Humming-birds are more plainly coloured than the Amazilia corallirostris; the tints of the under surface, from the chin to the lower part of the abdomen, being uniform sandy-buff, while on the crown and all the upper surface, a similar uniformity of tint, although of a different hue, prevails; the chestnut-red tail, too, is only relieved by the bronzy tipping of the feathers.

In all the members of this genus, a tendency to a buffy style of plumage occurs, which appears to be carried to a greater extent in the present species than in any other.

The native habitat of this bird is Central America, whence numerous specimens were brought by M. Sallé and others. M. Bourcier gives Escuintla, in the republic of Guatemala, as one of its habitats. None of the examples of this species which have come under my notice present sufficient differences to suggest which are males and which females; the colouring of the sexes in fact appears to be precisely similar.

All the upper surface, wing- and tail-coverts bronzy-brown; wings purplish-brown; tail-feathers deep chestnut, glossed with bronze on their margins and tips; all the under surface sandy-buff; bill said to be red; feet apparently fleshy-brown.

The Plate represents the birds the size of life. The plant is the Rondeletia versicolor.


  • Trochilus corallirostris, Bourc. et Muls. Ann. de la Soc. Sci. de Lyon, tom. ix. 1846, p. 328.
  • Polytmus corallirostris, Gray and Mitch. Gen. of Birds, vol. i. p. 109, Polytmus, sp. 74.
  • Amazilius corallirostris, Bonap. Consp. Gen. Av., p. 77, Amazilius, sp. 5.—Ib. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 254.
  • Amazilia corallirostris, Reich. Aufz. der Col., p. 10.

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