
Leucippus chlorocercus

Spotted Whitethroat

Illustration not included in supplement volume

The present species was described by Mr. Gould in the list given by Messrs. Sclater and Salvin of Mr. E. Bartlett's collections from the River Ucayali.

It is closely allied to L. chionogaster of Peru and Bolivia, but, according to Mr. Elliot, it differs in having the throat spotted with brown, and the tail pale green tipped with greyish white.

The following is a copy of the original description:—

Crown of the bead, nape, shoulders, back, and upper tail-coverts green; tail-feathers bluish green, with a faint zone of darker green near. the end; the extreme tip of all but the two central ones grey, which gradually increases in extent as the feathers recede from the middle, and becomes most conspicuous on the outer ones, where it pervades the whole of the outer web; wings purplish brown; breast greyish white, with an obscure spot of dull green in the centre of each feather, particularly those of the throat; flanks dull green; lower part of the abdomen and under tail-coverts greyish white; bill black; feet dark brown. Total length 3\(\frac{3}{4}\) inches, bill \(\frac{7}{8}\), wing 2\(\frac{1}{4}\), tail 1\(\frac{1}{2}\), tarsus \(\frac{1}{4}\).

[R. B. S.]


  • Leucippus chlorocercus, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 194.—Sclater & Salvin, Nomencl. Av. Neotr. p. 91 (1873).—Mulsant, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux-Mouches, i. p. 257 (1874).—Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 199 (1878). —EudesDeslongchamps, Ann. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Caen, i. p. 852 (1880).—Tacz. Orn. du Pérou, i. p. 399 (1884),
  • Polytmus chlorocercus, Gray, Hand-list of Birds, i. p. 129, no. 1644 (1869).

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