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Shown here are the 160 illustrations drawn by Elizabeth Twining from her two-volume catalog depicting the natural orders of plants. Read the original introduction and conclusion.

Throughout Twining’s two volumes, most descriptions included mentions of how some plants had affinities or connections with others in other tribes. This diagram illustrates all those likenesses connected in one network.

Only likenesses that were referenced by name are included (e.g. “This Tribe has affinity with Amaryllidaceæ and Hæmodoraceæ…” as in Bromeliaceæ, the Pine-Apple tribe) and not general statements that didn’t specify a name (e.g. “The succulent nature of this tribe connects it with several others.” as in Crassulaceæ, the Houseleek tribe).

1. Ranunculaceæ Crowfoot 2. Dilleniaceæ Dillenia 3. Magnoliaceæ Magnolia 4. Anonaceæ Custard-Apple 5. Menispermaceæ Moon-Seed 6. Berberidaceæ Berberry 7. Fumariaceæ Fumitory 8. Nympheaceæ Water-Lily 9. Papaveraceæ Poppy 10. Sarraceniaceæ Side-Saddle Flower 11. Cruciaceæ Cruciform 12. Capparidaceæ Caper 13. Bixaceæ Arnotto 14. Passifloraceæ Passion-Flower 15. Violaceæ Violet 16. Polygalaceæ Milkwort 17. Resedaceæ Mignonette 18. Droseraceæ Sun-Dew 19. Oxalidaceæ Wood-Sorrel 20. Pittosporaceæ Pittosporum 21. Linaceæ Flax 22. Cistaceæ Rock-Rose 23. Malvaceæ Mallow 24. Tropæolaceæ Indian Cress, or Nasturtium 25. Byttneriaceæ Byttneria 26. Bombaceæ Silk-Cotton Tree 27. Tiliaceæ Linden, or Lime-Tree 28. Sapindaceæ Soap-Tree 29. Hippocastanaceæ Horse-Chesnut 30. Aceraceæ Maple 31. Malpighiaceæ Barbadoes Cherry 32. Hippocrateaceæ Hippocratea 33. Hypericaceæ St. John’s Wort 34. Clusiaceæ Gamboge 35. Dipterocarpaceæ Dipterocarpus 36. Marcgraviaceæ Marcgravia 37. Vitaceæ Vine 38. Geraniaceæ Geranium 39. Cedrelaceæ Mahogany 40. Meliaceæ Bead-Tree 41. Aurantiaceæ Orange 42. Camelliaceæ Camellia 43. Olacaceæ Olax 44. Rutaceæ Rue 45. Simarubaceæ Quassia 46. Samydaceæ Samyda 47. Rhamnaceæ Buckthorn 48. Terebinthaceæ Turpentine-Tree 49. Leguminosæ Pea 50. Juglandaceæ Walnut 51. Rosaceæ Rose 52. Pomaceæ Apple 53. Amygdalaceæ Almond 54. Lythraceæ Loosestrife 55. Tamaricaceæ Tamarisk 56. Melastomaceæ Melastoma 57. Myrtaceæ Myrtle 58. Lecythidaceæ Lecythis 59. Combretaceæ Combretum 60. Loasaceæ Loasa 61. Cucurbitaceæ Gourd 62. Onagraceæ Evening Primrose 63. Mesembryaceæ Fig-Marigold 64. Portulaceæ Purslane 65. Cactaceæ Cactus 66. Grossulariaceæ Currant and Gooseberry 67. Crassulaceæ Houseleek 68. Saxifragaceæ Saxifrage 69. Caryophyllaceæ Clove-Pink 70. Umbellaceæ Umbel-Flowered 71. Araliaceæ Aralia 72. Caprifoliaceæ Honeysuckle 73. Loranthaceæ Mistletoe 74. Rubiaceæ Madder 75. Valerianaceæ Valerian 76. Compositaceæ Composite 77. Dipsaceæ Teasel 78. Stylidiaceæ Style-Wort 79. Goodeniaceæ Goodenia 80. Campanulaceæ Bell-Flower 81. Lobeliaceæ Lobelia 82. Gesneraceæ Gesnera 83. Vacciniaceæ Cranberry 84. Ericaceæ Heath 85. Belvisiaceæ Napoleona 86. Myrsinaceæ Myrsine 87. Sapotaceæ Sappodilla 88. Ebenaceæ Ebony 89. Oleaceæ Olive 90. Jasmineaceæ Jasmine 91. Strychnaceæ Strychnos 92. Apocynaceæ Dog’s-Bane 93. Rhizophoraceæ Mangrove 94. Gentianaceæ Gentian 95. Bignoniaceæ Trumpet-Flower 96. Polemoniaceæ Polemonium 97. Convovulaceæ Bind-Weed 98. Boraginaceæ Borage 99. Hydrophyllaceæ Water-Leaf 100. Solanaceæ Potato 101. Scrophulariaceæ Fig-Wort 102. Lamiaceæ Dead-Nettle 103. Orobanchaceæ Broom-Rape 104. Verbenaceæ Vervain 105. Acanthaceæ Acanthus 106. Utriculariaceæ Bladder-Wort 107. Primulaceæ Primrose 108. Plumbaginaceæ Lead-Wort 109. Plantaginaceæ Rib-Wort 110. Nyctaginaceæ Marvel of Peru 111. Amarantaceæ Amaranth 112. Chenopodiaceæ Goose-Foot 113. Phytolaccaceæ Phytolacca 114. Begoniaceæ Begonia 115. Polygonaceæ Buck-Wheat 116. Lauraceæ Laurel 117. Myristicaceæ Nutmeg 118. Proteaceæ Protea 119. Thymelaceæ Daphne 120. Santalaceæ Sandal-Wood 121. Elæagnaceæ Oleaster 122. Aristolochiaceæ Aristolochia 123. Euphorbiaceæ Spurge 124. Artocarpaceæ Bread-Fruit 125. Urticaceæ Nettle 126. Piperaceæ Pepper 127. Amentaceæ Oak 128. Coniferaceæ Fir 129. Cycadaceæ Cycas 130. Hydrocharidaceæ Frog-Bit 131. Alismaceæ Water-Plantain 132. Orchidaceæ Orchis 133. Zingiberaceæ Ginger 134. Musaceæ Banana 135. Hæmodoraceæ Blood-Root 136. Amaryllidaceæ Amaryllis 137. Iridaceæ Iris 138. Bromeliaceæ Pine-Apple 139. Dioscoraceæ Yam 140. Smilaceæ Sarsaparilla 141. Liliaceæ Lily 142. Colchicaceæ Colchicum 143. Commonlinaceæ Spider-Wort 144. Juncaceæ Rush 145. Palmaceæ Palm 146. Pandanaceæ Screw-Pine 147. Typhaceæ Bulrush 148. Araceæ Arum 149. Cyperaceæ Sedge 150. Graminaceæ Grass 151. Naiadaceæ Water-Weed 152. Equisetaceæ Horse-Tail 153. Lycopodiaceæ Lycopodium 154. Filicaceæ Fern 155. Bryaceæ Moss 156. Marchantiaceæ Liverwort 157. Characeæ Chara 158. Lichenaceæ Lichen 159. Fungaceæ Fungus 160. Fucaceæ Sea-Weed


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