
Close up

When an article is divided into short “takes,” and the second “take” is emptied on the galley before the first is finished, the compositor setting the first “take” has to “close up” the “opening,” by pushing the subsequent matter up to his own; and so on, wherever an “opening” occurs. If, however, the first “take” is finished before the second is emptied, the second compositor is told to empty “close up.”


When an article is divided into short “takes,” and the second “take” is emptied on the galley before the first is finished, the Compositor setting the first “take” has to “close up” the “opening,” by pushing the subsequent matter up to his own; and so on, wherever an “opening” occurs. If, however, the first “take” is finished before the second is emptied, the second Compositor is told to empty “close up.”

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