
Enamelled cards

Cards with a glazed surface, the fine glaze for which is obtained by employing sulphate of baryta. More difficulty is experienced in working enamelled cards than ivory or ordinary cards, on account of the tendency of the enamel to peel off on to the face of the type, especially with coloured inks. Cards that have been in stock for twelve months are better than new ones for printing purposes, as the enamel is thoroughly dried, and adheres to the card. Pressmen manipulate the ink in various ways to prevent the ink coming off on to the type; some use varnish; others grind up a very small piece of soap in the ink. The harder the substance in the tympan the better—millboard in preference to sheets—so as to give only a surface impression.

Enamelled cards

Cards with a glazed surface, the fine glaze for which is obtained by employing sulphate of baryta. More difficulty is experienced in working enamelled cards than ivory or ordinary cards, on account of the tendency of the enamel to peel off on to the face of the type, especially with coloured inks. Cards that have been in stock for twelve months are better than new ones for printing purposes, as the enamel is thoroughly dried, and adheres to the card. Pressmen manipulate the ink in various ways to prevent the ink coming off on to the type; some use varnish; others grind up a very small piece of soap in the ink. The harder the substance in the tympan the better—millboard in preference to sheets—so as to give only a surface impression.

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