
Hang up

To place the printed sheets upon the drying poles or lines of the warehouse. To do this the warehouseman should take a peel in his right hand (some use the left hand), and lay the head of it flat upon the heap to be hung up; he should then turn over on it from six to a dozen sheets, according to the thickness of the paper and the nature of the work, taking care to have the fold in the centre of the short cross, as if it falls across any of the newly-printed pages, they will most likely smear and set-off.

Having folded those sheets down, on one end of the peel-head, he must clutch them with his left hand, and lift the sheets ami the peel together two or three inches to the right, take another fold, then shift it, and soon till he has as many folds a he can conveniently lift with the peel. Then raising the sheets above the poles or lines on which sheets are to be hung, and sloping the handle of the peel, the folds will open at the under side, and they may he lowered and hung up. The peel must now be withdrawn from the centre, and be inserted between the first and second folds or lifts, leaving the first lot hanging on the pole. The other portion must then be shifted to the left, so that tho second fold shall just overlap the first; and so on till all are spread out. The process is now repeated till the whole heap is hung up.

Hang up

To place the printed sheets upoH the drying poles or lines of the warehouse. To do this the warehouseman should take a peel in his right hand (some use tlie left hand), and lay the head of it flat upon the heap to be hung up; he should then turn over on it from six to a dozen sheets, according to the thickness of the paper and the nature of the work, taking care to have the fold in the centre of the short cross, as if it falls across any of the newly-printed pages, they will most likely smear and set-off.

Having folded these sheets down, on one end of the peel-head, he must clutch them with his left hand, and lift the sheets and the peel together two or three inches to the right, take another fold, then shift it, and so on till he has as many folds as he can conveniently lift with the peel. Then raising the sheets above the poles or lines on which the sheets are to be hung, and sloping the handle of the peel, the folds will open at the under side, and they may be lowered and hung up. The peel must now be withdrawn from the centre, and be inserted between the first and second folds or lifts, leaving the first lot hanging on the pole. The other portion must then be shifted to the left, so that the second fold shall just overlap the first; and so on till all are spread out. The process is now repeated till the whole heap is hung up.

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