
Ink fountain

That part of a machine in which the ink is contained. The ink fountain should be charged with the ink selected and kept well covered, to secure it from oust. Then the screw should be turned down, and all the ink cut. off evenly. When the forme is ready, the ink should be cautiously turned on, and the machinist should wait tor ten or twelve impressions before altering the screws. For small tonnes and short numbers of any job of machine work in coloured ink or extra ink. a fountain is not necessary, as the ink may be applied to the distributing surface with a brayer or palette knife.

Ink fountain

The receptacle for ink in printing machines. The ink fountain should be charged with the ink selected and kept well covered, to secure it from dust. Then the screw should be turned down, and all the ink cut off evenly. When the forme is ready, the ink should be cautiously turned on, and the machinist should wait for ten or twelve impressions before altering the screws. For small formes and short numbers of any job of machine work in coloured ink or extra ink, a fountain is not necessary, as the ink may be applied to the distributing surface with a brayer or palette knife.

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