
Lay up

Before the letter of a worked-off forme is distributed, or before it is cleared away, if the work be finished, it is unlocked upon a board, laid in the trough, and well rinsed with water, while the compositor keeps working the lines backward and forward with his hands, and continues pouring water on them till the ley and ink are washed away, and the water runs off clear. This is termed “laying up.” The board should always be washed clean on its upper side before the forme is laid upon it. When a first proof has been read, it is the duty of the compositor who set the commencement of the sheet tolay up the formes on the stone and unlock them ready for the corrections to be made.

Lay up

Before the letter of a worked-off forme is distributed, or before it is cleared away, if the work be finished, it is unlocked upon a board, laid in the trough, and well rinsed with water, while the compositor keeps working the lines backward and forward with his hands, and continues pouring water on them till the ley and ink are washed away, and the water runs off clear. This is termed “laying up.” The board should always be washed clean on its upper side before the forme is laid upon it. When a first proof has been read, it is the duty of the compositor who set the commencement of the sheet to lay up the formes on the stone and unlock them ready for the corrections to be made.

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