

Thin pieces of metal of different thicknesses and different lengths, quadrat high, to put between the lines of matter to make it more open; they are also used to branch out titles, small jobs, and parts of a work where necessary. The bodies are regulated by Pica standard, and they are usually cast four, six, or eight to Pica, but they are sometimes very much thinner. Brasses are now very generally used on newspapers instead of leads; they are found to bo exceedingly useful and economical, as they do not break or bend.


Thin pieces of metal of different thicknesses and different lengths, quadrat high, to put between the lines of matter to make it more open; they are also used to branch out titles, small jobs, and parts of a work where necessary. The bodies are regulated by Pica standard, and they are usually cast four, six, or eight to Pica, but they are sometimes very much thinner. Brasses are now very generally used on newspapers instead of leads, they are found to be exceedingly useful and economical, as they do not break or bend.

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