
Making-up letter

When a work is given out to a companionship, the clicker applies to the store-keeper for a sufficient quantity of letter to keep a certain number of men employed, or to get up a given number of pages. If any part of the matter for distribution, whether in chase or in paper, be desirable or otherwise on account of the sorts it may contain, it should be divided equally, or the choice of it thrown for. When a new companion is put on the work after the respective shares of letter are made up, and if there be not a sufficiency to carry on all the companionship without making up more, he must bring on an additional quantity before he can be allowed to partake of any of that which comes from the press.

Making up letter

When a work is given out to a companionship, the clicker applies to the storekeeper for a sufficient quantity of letter to keep a certain number of men employed, or to get up a given number of pages. If any part of the matter for distribution, whether in chase or in paper, be desirable or otherwise on account of the sorts it may contain, it should be divided equally, or the choice of it thrown for. When a new companion is put on the work after the respective shares of letter are made up, and if there be nbt a sufficiency to carry on all the companionship without making up more, he must bring on an additional quantity before he can be allowed to partake of any of that which comes from the press.

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