A reproduction of Euclid’s Elements by Oliver Byrne from 1847 that pays tribute to the beautiful original design and includes enhancements such as interactive diagrams, cross references, and posters.
This site was created to bring Byrne’s colorful edition to life by making it available to a modern audience by reproducing the entire book online so it would be accessible to anyone with modern equipment and a flexible design as true to the original as possible. Each diagram was created by tracing the originals and ensuring their dimensions and relationships stayed true to Euclid’s geometric principles. Proofs accompanying each diagram have been enhanced with clickable shapes to aid in understanding the shapes being referenced.
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- Byrne’s Euclid recreated for the web, Dec 17, 2018, The Aperiodical
- Modern reproduction of 1847 geometry books, Dec 18, 2018, FlowingData
- A Beautifully-Designed Edition of Euclid’s Elements from 1847 Gets Digitized: Explore the New Online, Interactive Reproduction, Dec 19, 2018, Open Culture
- Los seis primeros libros de los Elementos de Euclides con gráficos modernizados de Oliver Byrne, disponibles en línea (English translation), Dec 20, 2018, Microsiervos
- Τα Στοιχεία του Ευκλείδη στην ψηφιακή εποχή (English translation), Dec 20, 2018, Thales + Friends
- 設計師數碼化19世紀最美版《幾何原本》,結合圖像呈現數學證明 (English translation), Dec 21, 2018, The News Lens
- 1847er Ausgabe von Euklids Elementen als Online-Version (English translation), Dec 24, 2018, Nerdcore
- A Colorful Interactive Version of Euclid’s “Elements” Online for Free, Dec 26, 2018, ArchDaily
- אוקלידס המחודש (English translation), Dec 27, 2018, אלכסון
- Best Data Visualization Projects of 2018, Dec 27, 2018, FlowingData
- The Observatory Episode 95: Back to Basics, Dec 28, 2018, Design Observer
- 看不懂也很療 癒!19世紀最美的數學教科書《幾何原本》數位版釋出 (English translation), Dec 29, 2018, every little d
- 5 Maths Gems #101, Jan 1, 2019, Resourceaholic
- A masterpiece of ancient data viz, reinvented as a gorgeous website, January 3, 2019, Fast Company
- Mettere insieme geometria euclidea e design modernista in un sito interattivo (English translation), Jan 10, 2019, Frizzifrizzi
- 19th Century Geometry Guide Is Transformed Into Incredible Online Resource, January 13, 2019, My Modern Met
- Best of the visualisation web... December 2018, January 25, 2019, Visualising Data
- 10 significant visualisation developments: July to December 2018, February 4, 2019, Visualising Data
- A Contemporary Take on “Byrne’s Euclid” Brings Geometry to Life as a Colorful Poster, February 7, 2019, Colossal
- A 19th-Century Guide to Euclid’s Geometry Reborn as an Interactive Site, February 8, 2019, Hyperallergic
- Byrne’s Euclid: Nuanced typographical shapes and detailed proofs bring Oliver Bryne’s book Euclid’s Elements to an online audience, February 14, 2019, Communication Arts
- 數學課本也能很療癒!19 世紀《幾何原本》開放線上閱覽,「網頁互動版」同步釋出 (English translation), Nov 18, 2019, Shopping Design
- 數學課本不再沉悶
19 世紀《幾何原本》數碼版 (English translation), Nov 29, 2019, Metropop
- "Los Elementos de Euclides": una reconstrucción visual del tratado matemático y geométrico del año 300 A.C. (English translation), Oct 11, 2020, Memo
- Visualization of the Month #5 Euklids Elements, November 11, 2022, Kiel Science Communication Network
- Bookmarking Book Art – Nicholas Rougeux, November 19, 2022, Books On Books
- Belle figure (English translation), Feb 9, 2025, Quickloox