
Thalurania jelskii

Jelski’s Wood-Nymph

Jelski’s Wood-Nymph was discovered by the well-known Polish traveller after whom the species is named, at Soriano in Peru.

Mr. Elliot writes concerning the present bird:—

This is a diminutive of T. nigrofasciata; and there is absolutely no difference between the two except in size. The rectrices of T. jelskii are narrow, but not more so than accords with its dimensions. I compared the type with specimens of T. nigrofasciata, and could distinguish no difference, save that T. jelskii was a little smaller.

The Plate represents the adult male in three positions, and is drawn from a specimen lent to us by Dr. Taczanowski.

[R. B. S.]


  • Thalurania jelskii, Tacz. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1874, p: 138.—Mulsant, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux-Mouches, ii. p. 70 (1877).—Elliot, Synopsis of the Humming-Birds, p. 101 (1878).— Kudes-Deslongchamps, Ann. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. de Caen, i. p. 320 (1880).—Tacz. Orn. du Pérou, i. p. 295 (1884).

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